Kisses/Public Affection

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Alucard is almost like a saint when it comes to kissing. He never wants to invade his S/O's personal space and is afraid of coming off like a creep. Usually kisses from him are on the cheek and the forehead since anything else will leave him a blushing mess. If his S/O wants anything more steamy they'll have to be really direct. In public Alucard is way to shy give his S/O a kiss and would prefer to hold hands instead. If he's feeling really bold or happy then a short peck will be enough to make him red for the entire day.

Kisses from X.Borg are intense to say the least. Not only is he incredibly grabby but he has the tendency to manhandle his S/O. From dropping them onto counters to slamming them into walls, he has plenty of enthusiasm. In public he won't openly shove his tongue down his S/O throat however he's still pretty grabby. He likes to pull his S/O against his side so that an onlookers can see exactly who his S/O is with.

Gusion is probably the best kisser and loves to show off his talent. His kisses vary from light and chaste to deep and vulgar. Gusion beilves that the best kisser are also the best at teasing. He'll lean in close enough so that his thick lashes just barely shield his icy blue spheres. At that point he'll press his lips against his S/O nose before running to the next room. In public Gusion becomes a thousand times worst giving random kisses that last way to long  in front of his S/O friends and god forbid their super judgemental coworkers. The more his S/O blushes the more persistent he gets. But don't worry he won't french kiss his S/O infront of their parents(hopefully) .

Dyrroth has seen plenty of human smash there heads together and is quick to try this technique on his S/O. Although odd it's one of his most endearing acts. Eventually his S/O will have to show him what a real kiss is like. At first he'll be shocked but he'll get the hang of it soon enough. Dyrroth's kisses depend heavily on his mood soft ones if he's content and harsher ones when Alice is getting on his nerves. If he's feeling mischievous he'll happily nip at his S/O's bottom lip. Eventually once Dyrroth improves and manages to leave his S/O rattled he'll use kissing as another way of flexing his greatness. It kinda creepy how he gets off on other people's jealousy.

Although Granger enjoys kisses and such his go to sign of affection are nuzzels. He likes to bury his face in his S/O's neck and will often follow with soft kisses and nicks. His kisses never last very long mostly because he doesn't want to seem to needy. In public however Granger becomes somewhat cold not due to his S/O but because of all the people around. He doesn't trust anyone and is constantly looking out for criminals and demons alike. He will hold his S/O's hand if they ask thought and will always give them a kiss goodbye.

Speed is his talent so Claude's S/O should always be prepared for his sudden attacks. He'll grab his S/O and leave a flurry of kiss across their nose,cheeks and lip. Once he even kissed their eye result in a bit of irritation but followed by a plethora of more kisses as an apology. This sort of behavior follows in public too and he'll always want to get a selfie of his S/O and him caught in the act. If he gets a bit to frisky Dexter is sure to keep him in check.

Author Note
Please like and make request it would motivate me allot. I missed plenty of characters so just leave a comment if you have a special someone in minds.

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