"Yet another Switcheroo!"

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"PePpa wHat aRe yOu dOinG iN dAycArE?" Goldy mused.

Unicorn shot his head up from the book he was reading, 'Harry Potter'. "Peppa?" He pondered.

 Goldy was sitting next to him, looking at the cover of the book. She suddenly spilled the 'Peppa pig' line. "Yeah! Have you heard of the meme?" Unicorn shook his head. " Well-" The short girl paused for a moment to think. She didn't know how to explain the meme.

 "WELCOME TO ANOTHER DAY, AAAAT DAAAYCARE!" A familiar voice echoed through the hall. Tina had ran inside and took a glance at the two. " What's going on here? " She asked them.

Unicorn made an unintelligible noise and answered, "Goldy was talking about a Peppa Pig meme." Tina's face screwed up in disgust and she ran up the stairs, the other two following her.

 In the daycare room, they saw Angel and cookie playing cards. Dart, Olive, and Riley were in a corner near the girls hideout was, talking. Ryan and Derp seemed to be building something.

 "Hi Tina!" They all exclaimed.

 "Hey guys!" She walked over to Olive's group. "Watcha doing?"

 Dart and Riley were inside glass boxes. A wire was connecting the helmets they were wearing. Olive pushed a button and an electrical burst came through both helmets. "I'm testing my latest experiment. It's called, 'Switcharoo 6,000!'" All of a sudden, the glass boxes opened up and Riley was moving all over the place. Dart stayed still and watched her jump around.

 "Isn't that.. MY body?" Dart whisper shouted in Riley's voice. Riley turned around. Her face looked confused as she looked at Dart.

 "That's MY body!" she said in Dart's voice.

 "This happens waay too much. " Tina sighed to Unicorn and Goldy.

ha hA! It's short. Ow

I am suffering from a headache and writers block. this potatoe help.

308 words.

Minecraft Daycare One~ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz