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Name: Sun-Hee Kim

Nationally: Half Japanese half Korean

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 6

Parents: Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown, Adoptive Father: Rikki Malchiko, Adoptive Mother: Miko Malchiko

Siblings: Hayate Malchiko (Adoptive big brother) Ein Malchiko (Adoptive big brother) Honoka Malchiko (Adoptive big sister)

Hair color: Blue

Eye Color: Pink

Height: 5'2"

Fighting Style: Close range hand to hand combat.



Quirk type: Transformation

~The user of this quirk is able to turn certain body parts into magma. While in this state they're immune to fire and lava.

~They also are able to shoot fireballs out of their hands.

~Just like Kirishima this increases defense and strength

~Have to eat many spicy foods to increase durability of the quirk.


~high body temperature

~Heat stroke

~acid reflex

Personality: She's nice to everyone treats them equally even if they're quirkless. Nice, caring, playful, humorous, teasing. Sometimes stubborn and lazy.

Likes: Food, sleeping, video games, animals, drawing, cold weather, scary movies, candy, and being around people

Dislikes: Hot weather, villains, being alone, perverts, romance movies, and crying

Hero Costume:

Hero Costume:

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Author's Note~ I had gotten the quirk idea from MaddyReads1289

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Author's Note~ I had gotten the quirk idea from MaddyReads1289

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