03. The boy is distracting

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A week went by in a blur

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A week went by in a blur.

The smell of old books spins around the air, I spin in the chair trying to cure my boredom. Rain falls steadily turning the sky a dark blue; only the light shapes the heavy raindrops. The rainfall, the whoosh of the radiator and the light buzz of lo-fi in the person beside's me ear.
The heat coming out cools my scalp, I'm fresh from the shower, my legs still burn from out indoor track meet. My mind wanders to Ulysses; Les as he's affectionately called. My mind drifting to the soft calligraphy of his name, the loop in the 'y' and the curves of the 's'. The way he looked nimbly next to Matt's parents holding their popcorn, or how after the third buzzing he left the with hands over his ears.

"Hey Kyle can you help understand what this problem wants from me." Daniel, the freshman I've been tutoring for the pass handful of months. I lean over his shoulder looking at the problem before grabbing my dry-erase board.

"It's asking you to find vector." I explain, my dry erase marker squeaks as I pull the cap; sticking it at the bottom. I draw a simple parabola with the dot at the center.

"This a vector, now use the calculator and put on graph chart." He does fumbling a bit.

"Good, flip it to graph, zoom out if it's too big and doesn't fit."

"That's what she said." Somebody says out of nowhere.

That doesn't even make any sense, I roll my eyes.

"It's a parabola, go back to the chart." He scans for where they meet.

"See you're getting better." I say a shadow casts behind me, "Hell! May not need to pay me anymore." I shrug turning around.

"Yeah, I doubt that." He snorts, I freeze, Ulysses stood in front of me.

"In mathematics, a parabola is a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical and is approximately U shaped. It fits several other superficially different mathematical descriptions, which can all be proved to define exactly the same curves." He says looking down his face seemed a little blotchy, almost like he's been crying.

"Yeah, indeed it is." I say, smiling. He looks across the room.

"You like math?" I ask.

"No, not really." He says, his voice flat looking down again.

"Me neither." Daniel groans, trying the next problem on his own, brows knitting together.
Les lips tug to one side before straightening out.

"Are you any good?" I ask hating it and understanding it is two different planes.
Les shrugs and turns pink.

"Not really, I-I-I'm more of a literature and social studies person." He says sitting down beside me, a little too close.

"Well you came to the right place, what math are you taking?" I ask, Les face burns.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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