"So that's all you've been doing? Making songs and stuff?"

"It's the only thing I'm good at," Changbin said as a matter of fact, shrugging.

"What about when you were in primary or middle school? Didn't you do anything fun with your friends that you loved?" Changbin shifted awkwardly in his seat at the question.

"I'm bad at friendships, remember? I didn't have any friends."

"What about now? Surely, you have friends in the industry now?" Changbin shook his head.

"We're still rookies. Not A-list idols. I don't really know many of the idols under my own company personally."

"So you just don't have friends?"

"Well, I have Chan-hyung, Jisung, and now you and—."

"Who said I was your friend?" Felix cut Changbin off quickly, trying to hide his blush from the older. Somehow, being called a friend by Changbin made him embarrassed.

"If you don't want to be friends, I could just leave," Changbin said nervously, the aura of the conversation suddenly changing. Felix started to panic internally and was at a loss for words.

"No!" Felix shouted a little louder than normal, attracting a few people in the store, "please stay." Changbin smiled and just ate more of his ice cream.

The two stayed in the ice cream shop talking for another hour before getting back into the car to drive around the city.

"Radio?" Changbin asked, putting his hand on the knob.

"Hell yeah!" Felix exclaimed. Changbin smiled slightly as he turned up the volume.

Every time a song Felix knew came on the radio, he was singing his lungs out, so much that Changbin had burst out into laughter.

"What?" Felix asked the rapper while they were stopped at a red light, Changbin laughing hysterically in his seat.

"You're such a fanboy, I'm living for it." Changbin replied, Felix ducking his head in embarassement.

Felix ended up ignoring the radio for a while and the two had a normal conversation for a while, bonding more as they talked about their favourite places in Seoul. Felix mentioned wanting to go to many different places, and Changbin kept note of them to maybe use later.

The two kept talking until Felix stopped talking mid-sentence. Stopping at a red light, Changbin took a moment to analyse his surroundings and suddenly realized why Felix wasn't talking. Their song was playing. Reaching for the button on the radio, Felix's hand grabbed onto his arm before he could make contact with the button.

"Don't change it." Felix warned, giving Changbin a pouty face. Changbin couldn't help but melt at the sight.

"I don't like listening to myself," Changbin replied. This comment earned him a light punch to the shoulder.

"Yah!" Felix quietly shouted, "you listen to yourself everyday!"

"I listen to myself talk, not rap." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but don't change it. You may not like it but I certainly do."

Changbin rolled his eyes slightly but smiled at Felix's silliness.

Changbin just continued driving as he watched Felix jam out to the 3RACHA song play on the radio. As much as he was embarrassed, the sight of Felix enjoying their music was enough for him to not change the channel.

"Changbin-hyung," Felix asked as the song was over, the rapper mumbling a hm in response. "How do you rap so fast? You're like reading a whole Wikipedia article in the span of one song."

Changbin laughed loudly at the last comment.

"So much tedious practice," he said between laughs, "a lot of work but a nice skill to have."

"Hyung, you're gonna cancel all the other rappers out there with that. Best rookie rapper, Seo Changbin, everyone." Felix joked. Changbin chuckled.

"You're dissing Jisung there." Changbin noted. Felix just shrugged in response.

"You're the better rapper and those are just the facts." Felix claimed and Changbin couldn't help but laugh more.

Felix sang along to more songs and Changbin ended up joining him for some of them; Felix left shocked at how such a rasp tone-based rapper can have such a soothing voice. Time passed quickly and the night was coming, the driveway of Felix's house in sight.

"Thanks for today," Felix said as the elder parked the car in the younger's driveway. "Hopefully we can do this again soon!" Changbin smiled as the boy got out of his car.

"Me too, Lixie! I'll see you soon, okay?" Felix blushed at the comment.

"Y-yeah. For sure." Felix tried to keep his composure as he waved to Changbin as the car was backing out of the driveway. Waiting for the car to be out of sight, he opened the door quietly, only to be interrupted by his mom.

"Who was that?" His mom asked. "I know none of your friends drive." The boy was frozen for a few seconds before regaining his composure.

"One of Jisung's friends."

"You're still friends with Jisung? Why doesn't he come over anymore?" His mom asked, confused. Felix never actually told his parents about Jisung being a trainee at JYP and his parents probably assumed they weren't friends anymore.

"Err— it's complicated."

"Okay, whatever you say," Felix's mom replied as she went back to watching TV. Felix took a plate from the cabinet and warmed up whatever food was made for him. He picked up his chopsticks but was interrupted by a ding from his pocket.

FRIDAY NOV. 29 8:11 P.M.

binnie hyung
hope you had fun today
because you made my day

of course hyung ☺️

binnie hyung
now this squirrel ass made me stop at a noodle place to get him food
the things i do for him 😤

jisung is really a big baby

binnie hyung
so im bored
and thats why now im texting you
because why not 😊

aw sweet
you thought of me

binnie hyung
no one else :)

Felix continued to text Changbin as he ate his food. Changbin made him feel special. Maybe this was just because he was lonely for so long, but was it really?

wc. 1663
p. 20191129

guys this was written in mid-august
i literally predicted feel special eye—


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