Chapter 20 : Acceptance

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Aaron's POV

As soon as we possibly could, Dave and I were on our way to Nikki's apartment. There were more key details of the past that we didn't exactly tell the team, but with this information, we could gather that Nikki was probably having some flashbacks, just getting caught up in her mind.

These kinds of days only happen a couple of times each year, typically when Nikki is going through a change in her life, which I suppose makes sense for her to be having this type of day around this time, and really, I think Dave and I both feel horrible for not realizing one would be on its way.

Within ten minutes from leaving the office, we were arriving at her apartment building and speed-walking into the lobby. Dave and I walked to the front desk, noticing a girl that I hoped was the one Garcia had spoken to.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I guess Garcia didn't alert you as to how we would look like. I'm sorry miss, my name is Aaron Hotchner, and this is my dear friend and colleague, David Rossi. We're here to see Nicoletta Jerone?"

A look of realization came across her face, before she nodded and reached under her desk for something, pulling out a key.

"Here you are. This is the spare key to her apartment. She might be asleep when you get up there, so she requested that I give you two this. Have a good night." With that, we thanked her and headed up to her apartment, in which Dave remembered where it was.

When we reached her apartment, I unlocked the door, entering only to see Nicoletta lying asleep on her couch.

Morgan's POV

Waking into the local police precinct felt, odd. I mean yeah, I've taken over for bossman before, but he was still here, and even still I had Rossi here, too. So yeah, odd was probably an understatement.

When JJ, Reid, and I walked through the doors, an officer came over to greet us.

"Officer Kim? I'm Jennifer Jareau, we spoke on the phone?"

"No yeah, I remember. So, which agents are these?" He spoke, gesturing to Reid and I. 

Just to let him know of the situation, I answered in place of JJ.

"I'm Agent Derek Morgan, I am the stand-in SSA as of right now. I have already sent out Agent Prentiss out to survey the first crime scene, and soon JJ will be leaving to meet her at the second one. From here, Doctor Reid will work on the geographical profile, as well as victimology. I will leave to go check out the third crime scene, if you could send an officer with me, that would be helpful."

I watched the officer nod, a skeptical look on his face.

"Listen, man, I know this may seem inconvenient to have us come in to help with so little hands, okay, I get that. But we have an agent at home who is going through something and was worrying our supervisor agent, so three of our agents are still in Virginia. However, they will be back here later today, and I promise you this small inconvenience will not stall us. I can assure you that our agents will work even harder in light of these current events. This guy, will be caught."

Nikki's POV

I had actually managed to fall asleep again, and hadn't woken up until I heard the clicking of my door. 

I sat up, sleepily delirious, gazing towards the doorway from where I was sat on the couch. In the little hallway, that connected the living room to the door, stood the two people I have viewed as father figures for a long time.

Aaron and Dave.

Sitting up a little more on the couch, I brought an arm up to wipe my eyes, as well as stretch a bit.

"Hey, you guys came. You didn't need to, you know. It really could've waited until you got back." I spoke, watching as they made their way over to me.

"None of that, Nikki. You know just as well as we do that these 'attacks' are pretty, well, ugly." Dave said, moving to sit next to me. Aaron quickly followed suit, sitting on the other side of me.

"I know that, but seriously, the majority of it is over now. I'll be perfectly fine, I swear."

"Yeah, well, Nicoletta, normally I would take your word and truly believe you, but under this circumstance, you don't look too great. Plus, your recent actions break enough protocals to have you fired three times over. Nikki, I love you, you know I do, but maybe you shouldn't be living on your own." Normally I always understood what Aaron was talking about, but this, this just confused me.

"What are you saying, Aaron?"

It was almost, almost, as if we were alone, but there was still Dave, the only thing is, for once in his life, he isn't interupting.

"I am saying, Nikki, that maybe it's time you meet Jack. You can move in with the two of us? He will love you."

It was a few minutes of silence, before Aaron gathered that I probably wasn't about to speak up, so instead, he nodded and began to speak again.

"All I need is Acceptance, Nikki. Just a confirmation of any form. A nod, a smile, anything Nikki. Just a confirmation, and it's done."


Sorry, friends


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