Chapter 14 : Defused

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Nicki's POV

As soon as I warned the team, I rushed over to the poor girl and ungagged her. "Alright, I'm going to get you out of here, okay sweetheart? I promise." I spoke and unstrapped her. "Listen to me. I need you to run out that door and get across to the other side of the street. if anything, you should stay safe." I said, hugged her, then sent her through the door.

I then proceeded to defuse the bomb.

I pulled a pin out of my hair and removed the cover panel of the bomb. I looked at the wiring, and it didn't seem to be to complex, but my brain was happy enough with the difficulty.

I read through the bomb defusal manual in my head and sighed. I pulled a knife from my boot and cut the first three wires, then the last wire. I flicked three out of five switches, the first one, then the last two.

But the final step was tricky, and the time was running out as the wires were thick to cut through and the switches were hard to reach without exploding the bomb on accident.

I had to remove the explosive pouch, which would then defuse the bomb. But in order to do this, I had to unplug some plugs in a particular order, but they were colored whereas the plugs in manual were lettered.

I went through matching sequences in my head, and suddenly, I had a minute left. Then I remembered the Greek alphabet. Sigma Gamma Rho. Blue gold silver. In the correct order would be gold, silver, blue.

I unplugged the plugs accordingly and was able to remove the explosives. I checked to see what time the countdown stopped on, and broke down in tears.

It only had 7 seconds left. I began to sob, and my body was wracking, shaking, and tired. I leaned against the wall, clutching the explosive pack in my hands tightly as if it would stop an explosion that wasn't going to happen.

I just Defused a bomb for the first time. And I barely survived. Soon, I heard shouts of disapproval from upstairs. I dragged myself off of the ground and up the stairs, finding our unsub punching the wall.

"Daniel Corber. You are under arrest for murder, attempted murder, and endangerment of a federal agent. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say or do can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. If you so choose not to have a lawyer present during any and all questionings, they will be able to still represent in court. I have read you your rights, do you understand every an all of your rights?" I spoke, tears still running down my face, and feeling drained.

He said nothing but nodded nonetheless. I nodded and walked him out of the house. I handed him into the local authorities.

Third Person POV

They all watched in silence and relief as the red and blue lights faded into the distance. As soon as they were out of range, they looked to Jerone with such admiration in their eyes, as she slumped to the ground and took a deep breath.

They all knew that this night would give her nightmares, and they would all almost always end in the same way; the bomb exploding.

They continued to watch as the early teen ran forward to Jerone, and wrapped her arms around her, and began to sob.

"Thank you, thank you so much." Jerone said nothing, but slipped her arms loosely around the girl's body, comforting her.

"Let me take you home, alright? We can walk, clear our heads so ou can be focused on seeing you parents again sweetheart." With that, the two walked away, heading for the two block walk to the girl's home.

Jerone and Aleza walked to the Smith household, to deliver the girl and the good news with it.

Spencer and Morgan drove back to the airstrip together, only thinking about how brave and strong Nicki is. It was truly amazing.

JJ and Emily began the drive back aswell and spoke solely about how if Nici hadn't shown up when she did, the geographical profile would've changed, and they would've had another victim, and another family to disappoint, and to ruin.

Aaron and David drove back in silence, only communicating with their eyes. They both knew how risky that was, but they also knew they had to let her go through with it. As much as they hate to admit it, she was right as she always was. The team would have never made it and defused the bomb on time if they had wasted time on calling them.

Jerone and Aleza made it back to the home of the girl. Nicki knocked on the door, and awaited the answer. Soon, a worried and upset looking mother and father opened the door.


"Hello, Mr and Mrs Smith. I am SSA Nicoletta Jerone. I work for the BAU of the FBI in Quantico. I am here about your daughter Aleza."

The parents began to cry, thinking the worse.

"She is perfectly fine, no injuries and is ready to come home." Shecontinued, and the young girl rushed to her parents arms, never wanting to leave them again. Jerone slowly headed back tdown the driveway, and featured a smile that was plastered onto her face.

Her job was done, at least for tonight, and with that she was satisfied. She can't be sure of how long this satisfaction will last, but she had it for now, and she will cherish it for as long as possible.

Eventually, she made her way back to the jet, and when she boarded, she was greeted with applause. She honestly wasn't expecting that, but she smiled and returned to her normal seat in the back of the jet. She was mentally worn and ready for the day to be over.

"A lot can happen in seven seconds. You can recite the entire English alphabet in seven seconds. You can circle a house in seven seconds. You can fold a shirt in seven seconds. Or, you can save the world in seven seconds." The Author Of This Book.

Fresh Eyes, New Mind (CRIMINAL MINDS FANFICTION)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin