chapter 27 Farewell

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Hello my name is Seinaru and this is blade. He is a monk and we have a proposition for Sakura no hana.

Azami: He comes rushing in. "Oh yes you must be here for Sakura no hana.

Sakura no Hana: She rushes in. "Yes?"

Toge and Kiki enter.

Kiki: She looks with surprise. "What's going on?"

Azami: This is Seinaru, he's come to take you with him. So you will become a monk.

Sakura no Hana: "Wait, what?" She backs up in fear. "But I don't want to leave."

Toge: "What?" His eyes begin to widen. "She can't leave?"

Seinaru: You will come with us because it's your destiny to become a monk. You have the special powers that you were born with to be one. You will join us.

Blade: He steps in. "Hello little one, we've herd a lot about you." He hugs her. "Don't worry, you will love where we live. There's lots of cherry blossoms, fruit, and friendly people there." He looks down at her and smiles.

Desdemona: She enters. "I don't understand. How did you know about her special powers?"

Seinaru: He looks at her. "A young monk told me about her and her special powers. That she has the powers to sense a demonic aura and know's when something bad is about to happen."

Kagome and Desdemona both stare at miroku in anger. "IT WAS YOU!"

Miroku: He puts both of his hands up. "Hey don't look at me that way. It is her destiny."

Rozu: She steps in. "It's true what he says. This is your destiny. This is what you are born for."

Sakura no Hana: She begins to cry. "NO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!"

Toge: He begins to hug her tightly. "Everything's going to be ok."

Sakura no Hana: "NO IT'S NOT!" Her face began to turn red and tears ran down her face.

Seinaru: No buts. Now let's go.

They get in a carriage.

Rozu, Kiba, Kuba, Kagome, Toge, Kiki, and desdemona all hugged her goodbye.

Sakura no Hana: She turns around with sadness in her eyes. "I'm sorry I was such a tease. Please forgive me."

All: We forgive you.

Sakura no Hana: Wait, there's something I need to say. Rozu, Des, and Kagome." She leans in closer to them. "Please be careful and watch your back."

Desdemona: Wait, what was that all about?

Rozu: Don't worry, we will.

They all stood there and watched Sakura no Hana leave in tears.

Inuyasha: Which reminds me. We should be one our way too.

Miroku: He turns to him. "Yes we should."

Desdemona: She looks at Kagome. "Oh not you too." She rushes up to her and hugs her.

Shippo: He waves goodbye. "It was nice meeting you all. Goodbye."

Kagome: We will miss you.

Desdemona: A few tears ran down her face and she wipes them off. "We will miss you too."

Miroku: He grabs Desdemona's hands. "Please promise me you will bear my child."

Desdemona: She looks at him startled. "Um, I'm sorry but I may be taken soon."

Miroku: He falls on the ground. "AWWWW!"


Miroku: "Goodbye." He rushes after them.

Desdemona: Awwwwww, they were all good friends, I hope we all meet again soon in the near future.

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