
Start from the beginning

"You sound like dad, boring!" Julie said bouncing on her favorite cushion in the sitting room.

"Remote?" I requested and Julia threw it to me.

"Bad manners!" I said sternly.

"Quit acting like dad, you sound old and grumpy." Julia commented and I shrug.

"Well let me be as long everyone still loves me" I said fixing the antenna properly.

"Everyone except your girlfriend" They said at once.

"Stop doing that!" I said irritatedly.

"Kaylee would hate you. Speaking of her, why didn't she come over today?" Julie said reminding me of Kaylee.

"I miss her" Julia said dramatically.

"Me too! Invite her over for dinner tomorrow. Please! Please say yes🙏" Julie pleaded.

I focused more on the TV and got it programmed for them, real quick.

"Say you will, Xander!" They started pleading in the annoying kinda way.

"I've got to hit the bar, be good girls" I said and rushed upstairs to grab my keys, wallet and phone.


The cold breeze swept me away from my thoughts. Every where was so cold and the streets were lonely and dark. Hopefully, drunks chickened up and stayed home.

I pulled up in front of Kaylee's big black gate. I got down quickly and went through formalities sake process.

After a few minutes of search by the security, I was allowed in.

I got inside the mansion. It was so quiet. Kyle was out for a TV show and I guess Mr and Mrs had gone on a date. Funny couples, always acting like lovers.

I took the elevator to the 4th floor, Some rooms were on this floor.

I took the left and found Kay's door, I twisted the knob and I saw something abominable. Geeezzz! She looks so sexy and beautiful.

"Xander?" There came that stern voice of hers.

"Sorry" I quickly slammed the door, with my mind going to Kay's naked ass from the back. Those fresh slim long spotless legs. God!

I rested my back on the door, wanting to open it, I heard key sounds. Damn! She had locked the door.

I waited for at least fifteen minutes before she finally opened the door. I let my eyes roam all around her. She was wearing a short nightie that stopped half of her fresh thighs. I had seen her in something shorter, obviously.

I was jerked back to reality when I felt pains in my ears. She was pulling them pretty hard.

"Come in you disobedient boy" she dragged me in by my 👂 ears. They were really hurting each passing sec.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! It hurts Kay" I said trying to get her hands off them.
She pushed me to her bed. I lay on my chest and stomach while she got on my back. She started spanking my butt.

"You bad boy, you didn't knock before entering my room and I didn't know how much of my sweet body before I caught you"she said spanking me really hard.

"Sorry, definitely not intentional"I apologized holding my hurt ears that were already hurt.

"Two, how could she be your girlfriend? You know how much I hate her" she said really taking it out on my butt.

So back to Maddie issue?
" Please if it's about Maddie then I'll be on my way now"I said tossing her under me.

"What's wrong with you Xander? You don't take anything serious so why her?" She asked confused, she was searching for answers in my eyes but I pushed her away and got up from her bed.

"She's my girlfriend and I have to take her seriously if I don't to other things in my life" I said angrily.

"They never last too long so why this spoilt brat?" She asked getting off her bed also.

"None if your business!" I snapped.

"So why are you here? To rub it in my face or what? Tell me how much you enjoy her kisses...........?"

"I enjoy eating every part of her sweet body and her lips too. She's so good in bed, romantic , the best sex partner one could ask for, a perfect kisser for a girl, bold, strong and above all very drop dead georgous." I said going too far, when did those words come out?

"If that's what you came to tell me then you have to leave." She said and marched to her bed.

"I came to say I'm sorry, that's all but you got the wrong words out"

"Sorry for what?" She asked picking her finger nails.

"Sorry for yelling at you earlier but it seems like you deserve pretty much than that. If you can't find yourself liking her then we can't ever be friends" I found myself yelling at her again.

She jumped off her bed in shock, "so you're ending our long time friendship because of some cheap slut?" She questioned with emotions written all over her face, she was about to cry.

"Maddie's not a cheap slut! Mind your language West" I got offended and called her last name.

"Oh she's not! Because if she wasn't one, she wouldn't have thrown herself on your bed like that" she shouted already crying.

"Enough, don't speak of my woman like that to my face. Hate her for all I care but consider, hating her means ending our friendship as besties" I said with no emotions.

"Xander, are you hearing yourself?" She asked like she didn't hear the first time.

"Yes! Good night" I said and walked out of her room. As I reached the elevator, I could hear loud cries and shattering objects. She has a long tempered spirit but when it came with emotions she could be best referred to as crazy.


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