"Jason? That's funny. Mom used to talk about a guy called Jason, a lot. Are you that guy?"

Jason laughed. He'd scored another point.

"Why don't you ask her herself?" Jason prompted.

"Oh, yeah! Good point." Josh turned towards Piper, and Jason stood up, brushing off his jeans.

The look Piper was giving him was almost enough to make him want to shrink back into a dark corner and never come out. Her eyes were literally dancing with anger, her withering look almost making him wither.

"Mommy, is this very nice man our Jason? The one you talk about?" Josh asked.

What was he going to say? No? Or yes?

Piper went for the latter.

"Yes, sweetheart, that's the one."

"Cool! Uncle Jason, you're so awesome! Mom's told me everything about ya, and-"

"Josh, honey, why don't you talk to Uncle Leo? He's been waiting for you. Its bad manners to ignore him like that."

"What does ignore mean?"

"It means not talking to someone even though you know you have to."

"Oh. Ok. Hey, Uncle Leo! How..."

But Jason didn't hear what Josh was going to ask, because Piper had cornered him. She was still a head shorter, but her anger made her look way taller. Jason tried for a smile, even though he wanted run away.

"Not cool, Grace. Not cool at all." She hissed.

"What's not cool?"

"The whole name thing. You can't go around manipulating my kid."

"Correction, our kid. You aren't powerful enough to have a kid on your own, Pipes. He kind of wouldn't exist if I hadn't been there."

Piper blushed a little. "That's not my point. I-"

"Can I help you with your luggage? Looks heavy."

"I don't want-" Jason bent down and hefted up two of her bags. Piper bent down at the same time. She smelled of vanillas and strawberries, and it was all Jason could do not to wrap her in a hug and smell her in. I love you I love you I love you.

"My name is not silly." She insisted.

"Well, you and I both know, your name sounds perfect combined with mine, than yours alone." Jason smirked as Piper gasped and stood up straight. The vanilla fragrance vanished.

Where was all this confidence coming from? He thought he'd be a wreck when he met her. But now, he was bantering with her as if they'd never separated.

Jason realized that maybe these were things he'd been wanting to say, thinking he would meet Piper someday. Now they were coming to his defence, all out of his subconscious. It was a lovely feeling.

Just then Annabeth came (loaded with food), and Percy announced they had to leave, breaking the staring contest between Piper and Jason. Percy was also smirking at Piper's shocked expression (she still had it), and Leo, who was showing Josh some kind of weird things with fingers involved (some weird Leotastic game), gave him a thumbs up. Jason allowed himself to grin.

"So, let's ride!" Percy yelled.

"On the highway to hell?" Piper muttered, low enough for Jason to hear, and no one else.

"Aw, that's not a nice way to be." Jason said.

Piper huffed and went off, side by side with Percy. Josh had decided he would stick with both uncle Leo and uncle Jason. The uncle thing hurt, but Jason could wait. He'd set things right, soon.

Sparks Fly (A Jasper One-Shot Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now