Arcade 🎮

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You click on the video and see that they just recorded you and Diego arguing..
You sigh in relief and look at maddie
Y/n: i love him I really do and I don't want this to be over..especially if we have to go back to the same school are summer..
M: don't overthink things I promise you everything will get better and he will prove to you that he loves you.
Y/n: yea..I guess,I also think that tour is getting in the way of our relationship tbh
M: it will do especially because you haven't really been separated since you have been a thing,so it's going to be hard
Y/n: true,I miss him and I pushed him away
M: he probably understands and he's probably giving you some space rn
Y/n: or he could be doing shit with Desiree
Maddie shakes her head
M: come on y/n don't think so negatively.
You and maddie chat for hours and hours.
~A few days later~
You get up,get dressed,do your makeup and hair quickly because you maddie and Alex are going out together.i honestly think they're just trying to keep be busy so I don't think about Diego,but no matter what we do I always think about Diego in some way.But the thought is nice
A: y/n maddie come on let's go!
You and maddie head downstairs and get in the car which Alex is driving
M: so y/n how you feeling today?
Y/n: a lot better actually
You eventually arrive at the gaming arcade you love this place! You and Alex used to always come to this exact one every Friday after was great fun and I honestly miss doing it.

Words: 297
I felt like updating twice today just because I haven't been updating a lot recently
Could you guys give me any ideas of what drama or just anything you want to happen in this fanfiction?
Just so you guys will like reading it
Thanks for all the support it means a lot! I love you<3
Follow my insta;@diego.mxrtirx

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