His ex

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It was Desiree..he better not be cheating i trusted him.

A- uh y/n lets go
Y/N: Desiree just got on the bus with Diego-
Alex frowns and walks to you
A- and? Do you think Diego's cheating or sum?
Y/n: yea..why wouldn't I?
A- Diego and Desiree and just friends I promise you..
Y/n: but what if he's cheating on me
As you look through the bus windows you see Desiree straddling Diego and kissing his neck
Y/n: he is cheating on me!

Diego's POV
so I got on the bus and so did Desiree as she's on your with me.But I sat down out my headphones in and then Desiree sits on me and starts kissing my neck
I tried pushing her off but it was no use,she wouldn't let me.I looked out the window and saw Y/n running off and I pushed desi off of me and ran after y/n
D- Y/n! Please,it's not what it looks like!
Y/n: oh so Desiree wasn't sat on your lap kissing your neck?!
Diego runs up to you a
D- baby please
Y/n: Dont even think about calling me baby
D- y/n I promise you I tried pushing her off and I just couldn't
Y/n: why should I believe you..you were letting her kiss your neck for a few minutes and then got off the bus.
Diego sighs
D- you clearly don't trust me if you think I'm the type to cheat
Y/n: Diego you were allowing her to kiss your neck!! Do you not understand that
D- I wasn't allowing her! Why would I..y/n I love you
Y/n: blah blah blah love me all you want because I'm not speaking to you ever again
You walk off and go home.
I tried 💀 I'm getting worse at these sorry guys :(
Do you think y/n will forgive Diego?
Was Diego allowing Desiree to do that?

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