Chapter 11

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"Morning Paulie," Holly said as she went and sat next to him on the dinning table.

"Morning Holly," he said with a smile, pushing over the cereal and milk to her.

"What do you want to do today?" Paulie asked.

"Uhhh, maybe keep Jessie company? She'll be all alone."

"If that's what you want," Paulie kissed her forehead getting out of his seat.

Holly imediatley looked down when she heard Tiffany's squealy voice, to avoid all conversing.

"I get it Tiffany," John said sitting down at the table.

"Ohh and I'm going to get some more nail polishs and-"

"Tiffany! shut up," John said, clearly still tired.

Soon foot steps could be heard, it was Len and Sofia.

"Just pack the clothes you want in a suitcase and I'll carry it to the pyramid," Len said to Sofia.

"Okay," she said kind of half excited, half sleepy.

"Where's Jessie?" Tiffany whined.

"Why?" Sofia said sitting down.

"So I can make her jealous," Sofia just rolled her eyes.

"So it's your fault," everyone turned to see Emman had just walked in the room.

"I was kidding," Tiffany said attempting a playful smile.

"Well I'll go wake up Jessie then I'll take you shopping," Emman said walking back up stairs.

He went and slighty knocked on Jessie's door.

"Yes?" he heard faintly through the door before he opened it. Jessie was just sitting on her bed, playing with some toy that was in the room.

"You going to get out of bed?"

"I guess."

Emman went and sat beside her.

"You don't need to be jealous, nothing is going to happen."

Jessie sighed,"I know."

"So you admit you're jealous?" Emman said smiling at her.

"Shut up," she said trying to push him away as her cheeks grew read.

"I can see you blushing," he said as she looked down.

"Shut up," she mummbled.

He chuckled,"you're so cute," he said kissing her forehead getting up.

"Get out of bed. Okay? and bye, I'll be back hopefully in an hour."

"Yeah, bye."

He went downstairs and started up the car.

"Tiffany!" he yelled.

"I'm here, I'm here" she said rushing about 5 minutes later," sorry had to put on my make up."

"You mean your face."

"What?" she said confused,"Ohh right that was a joke."

"Eman rolled his eyes, how can John tolerate her? he thought. 


"This is heavy! You said you'd help," Sofia said dragging the suit case full of all her clothing and what not.

"Well I was, but then I figured you needed some more muscle," he said teasing her.


"Fine. give it here," he said grabbing the suitcase with one hand and wrapping the other around Sofia. 

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