Chapter 15

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Lauren's POV

Last night I barely slept. Lisa, Dani, and I all slept in one bed last night. Dani can't stop crying, I'm just barely able to. Lisa still seems in shock a bit.

Kath and Amy stuck together and they've been crying too. Kath's trying to be strong but I can see how hard it is for her.

How did my sister who's only slightly older than me think killing herself was a good idea? It's bad enough that I know she tried to but we all saw. I saw her full of blood. I watched the ambulance take her away.

I'm glad Christina stayed with Bella last night but I also wish I could've too. At the same time, I don't want to see her. I know that sounds horrible of me but... I don't know what to say to her.

Lisa and Dani are still sound asleep, it's only 6:30 am, so I get up and walk down to the kitchen. I see an outline of someone and as I get closer, I know it's Katherine.

"Morning Kath," I say, trying to sound okay but not really succeeding. She turns around and looks at me. Her eyes look watery.

"Morning Laur," she responds. I walk over to her and look straight at her.

"You don't have to be strong for us, it's okay to cry," I tell her and the tears spill out, down her cheek. I pull her into a hug.

After a minute she pulls away and wipes her eyes. Then she grabs her phone.

"I should text Christina to see what time we should come," she says. I nod.

"I should probably call Mike," Lisa says walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, could you do that?" Kath asks.

"Sure," Lisa responds.

"Morning Lise," I say and she gives me a small smile.

"Morning Lolo." Lisa goes upstairs to grab her phone while Kath texts Christina. I go into the living room and sit next to Lisa while she calls. I know she doesn't want to do this. She has the volume on her phone pretty loud so I can hear the full conversation.

Lisa: Hey Mike it's me. How are things going?

Mike: Pretty good, the boys are having a lot of fun.

Lisa: Good, I'm glad. Um who's all in the room right now?

Mike: Alex, Joey and I. Why?

Lisa: Could you please send Joey to a different room and then put the phone on speaker for you and Alex?

Mike: Okay... is something wrong Lisa?

I can tell Mike's getting scared but I hear him tell Joey to go find Nick and Christian.

Lisa: Just do what I say.

Mike: I did.

Lisa: Yesterday Bella...

Lisa starts to cry and stops talking. I can hear Mike and Alex freaking out so I grab the phone.

Me: Mike, Alex, it's me, Lauren.

Mike: Laur, what's going on?

Me: Bella um, she attempted suicide yesterday.

I hear them start to cry.

Mike: Fuck.

Alex: Is she okay?!

Me: She texted Christina so thankfully we found her in time. Christina got the pill bottle out of her hands before she could take any. But she did have a lot severe cuts. Chris stayed overnight at the hospital with Bella.

Mike: Do you want us to come home?

Me: No, it's probably better if the younger boys don't know about this.

Mike: Okay.

Me: Alex are you okay?

Alex: Not really but I'll be fine. We gotta go now but thanks for calling and telling us Laur and Lisa.

Me: You're welcome. I'll text you two later.

Mike: Bye

Me: Bye.

I hang up and hug Lisa because she's still crying. I do everything I can to hold back my own tears.

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