Chapter 12

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Bella's POV

After my tears stop I pull myself together and walk home. The moment I open the door I see Christina, Kath and Lisa sitting on the couch. They jump up and run to me the moment they see me.

"We're so sorry!" they chorus and hug me. I hug back but not very much.

"I'm sorry too," I say and look at Christina as I say it. She nods.

"Where did you go?" she asks.

"Just for a walk," I respond.

"Do you want to talk?" Lisa asks me.

"No, all I want is to go to bed." They sigh and nod. I walk upstairs and my sisters follow behind me. I change into pajamas in the bathroom and then go to my room.

Amy's already asleep and Kath and Christina are laying in bed. I climb up the ladder to my bunk above Christina's and she pokes her head around and looks up at me.

"I'm fine," I whisper. She seems satisfied enough with that and goes back under her covers.

I silently cry myself to sleep, simply hoping that my sisters won't hear me.

-Next Day- (Still Bella's POV)

"Wake up sleepyheads," I hear someone yell. I open my eyes to see Dani standing in the middle of the room. Amy appears to have just woken up too.

"Daniiii!" Amy groans. I get up and sleepily climb down the ladder.

"We're having pancakes!" Dani says happily which makes Amy move faster. We get downstairs and I eat only one pancake. I'm not in the mood to eat.

Lisa, sitting beside me, notices and gives me a look.

"I'm not hungry," I whisper. Actually it's more like I'm sad, depressed, and lonely but not hungry works too.

"Are you sure?" she asks in a concerned tone.

"Yeah," I say and she continues to eat her pancakes.

"Guys can we go shopping today? I need new flannels!" Dani asks.

"Sure, I'd like some stuff too," Christina says.

"Who's in for shopping?" Kath asks. All my sisters raise their hands. I don't and they all turn to look at me.

"Pleeeeaaaase Bella!" Dani begs.

"You're so much fun to shop with," Lauren adds.

"I'm not really in the mood today guys I'm sorry," I tell them. They sigh but get over it soon.

After an hour or so they leave and I lay down to think. All I want is to feel good or at least okay again. I can't stand the pain. And I can't seem to make it go away.

I run to the bathroom and cut myself worse than I ever have before. There's quite a lot of blood. I'm getting scared of myself, of what I want to do.

I grab my phone and start to cry. I tap on Christina's name and text her.

Me: Help me...

I put my phone down and hope Christina sees it. I need her. At the same time I don't want her. I want to just do this.

Christina's POV

I'm in Forever 21 with the others when I hear my phone beep. I check it and almost drop my phone when I see the text.

Bella: Help me...

I quickly text back.

Me: I'll be right there, please be safe!!!

"Guys let's go! I don't have time to explain but just drop what you have and let's get to the car!!" I yell at my sisters. We drop the clothes in our arms and I run to the car as fast as I can, they follow.

Once in the car, I drive as fast as possible towards home. Bella wouldn't do something to hurt herself.... would she?

"What's going on Chris?" Lisa asks.

"Bella," is all I manage to squeak out.

I pull into the driveway and jump out of the car. I turn to my sisters.

"Find Bella now," I tell them. We spread out in the house. I run upstairs and see the bathroom light is on. I open the door to see Bella, blood all over her, now trying to open a bottle of pills.

"It won't open!" she tells me. I wrestle it out of her grasp and throw it out into the hallway.


"I just want to die," Bella says and looks at me with such pain in her eyes.

"I won't ever let that happen Belle, I love you," I tell her and she starts to cry violently into my shoulder. I'm crying now too.

I notice Kath and Lisa are at the doorway. They seem frozen.

"Kath, call an ambulance now! Lisa, keep the others away," I instruct them. Kath quickly gets on her phone and Lisa runs downstairs to stay with Amy, Lauren, and Dani.

Bella looks up at me and suddenly she seems so much younger and vulnerable than I usually think she is.

"I'm scared Chrissy," she whispers and looks down at all her blood.

"You're going to be okay babygirl, I promise," I tell her even though I don't really know that. I hope she is.

Suddenly I feel her body grow limp. I shake her but she won't wake up. I check for a pulse, it's only faintly there.

"Bella, wake up! Do you hear me Belle?! I need you to wake up!!" I scream. All my sisters appear at the doorway of the bathroom now.

"Please wake up," I whisper and cry loudly, holding my little sister in my arms.

I feel someone hug me and I can tell it's Dani. I didn't want her or Lauren to see this but I guess that didn't happen.

Lauren, Amy, and Lisa are frozen in the doorway. They're in shock from what they see I think.

Kath disappears for a minute and next thing I know there are 2 paramedics that take Bella from me and put her on a stretcher.

"I-I'm going with her," I say and walk next to them, holding onto Bella's hand, "Kath, meet me at the hospital with all of them." She nods as I get in the back of the ambulance.

"So do you know what happened to your sister exactly?" one paramedic asks me.

"The past few weeks I noticed she'd been down but she kept pushing me away. I never realized it was this bad," I tell him while crying.

We get to the hospital and Bella is rushed into a room with several doctors and nurses. I sink into a chair and bury my head in my hands.

She has to be okay. I need her!

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