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Ship: Eric and Matt
Warnings: Short
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Sorry for the long ass wait. I've been rewatching Shameless for the 3rd time


Matt was coming back from a very long world trip. He needed time away from everything. YouTube was stressing him out, and even the podcast.

He knew the boys would miss him, but they understood where he was coming from. He was just starting to upload and stream more. The pressure the fans were putting on him to upload a video was slowly getting to him.

But that doesn't matter now. Matt was finally back from his trip. He was sitting on the couch upstairs waiting for the boys to wake up.

Eric stumbled out of bed and opened his door, eyes going wide at the sight of Matt.

"When did you get back." Matt turns around so he can see his boyfriend. Smiling as soon as their eyes met.

He checks his phone for the time before answering. "About 5 minutes ago."

"Jesus. Come here." Eric opens his door all the way and walks over to Matt. His arms wide and ready for a hug. "I fucking missed you."

"I missed you even more." Matt kisses the top of Eric's head before pulling away. "It's 7am, let's go get more sleep." Eric nods and pulls Matt to his room.

Matt undresses down to his boxers and gets in the bed, allowing Eric to rest his head on his chest. He wraps his arms around the smaller boy and takes a deep breath.

"This is what I really missed." The only response he got was a light chuckle before they both fell asleep.

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