
939 18 1

Pairing: Ezra and Eric
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Really short


The two americans were on there way to the airport. Running late because the younger wanted to get coffee.

"Ezra, we don't have time to get fucking coffee. We're already late as it is." Eric put the bags in the car and got in the back of the Uber.

"But I want it now. I'm gonna be a cranky bitch and you know it." Ezra said back, putting his head on Erics shoulder.

"We can get coffee after we get passed security and have time. Is that ok?" Ezra lightly nodded his head and ran his hand threw his hair.

When they got to the airport, they had to rush threw security. With 5 minutes to spare Racc dropped his stuff off at the gate and ran down to the Starbucks to get his carmal cappuccino. Just as he got back the flight was boarding.

"Jesus Christ." Racc said as he grabbed his suitcase and followed Swagger. They each gave the flight attendant their passports and tickets before getting on the plane. The flight to Melbourne was about 22 hours with one lay over in London.

To say this flight was going to be fun was a god damn lie. It was gonna suck for the boys. But once they get off the plane and Ryan picks them up. They get a day and a half to get rid of the jet lag. Meaning they're gonna cuddle for as long as they can without being bothered.

And that's exactly what they did. Ezra started it by laying his head down in the older lap and taking a short nap. Eric ran his fingers through the soft mass of brown hair. When they arrived at the Misfits house, they both ran up to the door and up the stairs into the room they would be staying in.

Eric moved the covers out of the way and hopped in after taking his shoes off. Ezra did the same but landed right on top of the older. They both laughed as Eric wrapped his arms around the boy, and before they know it, they were both out like a light.

One Shots With GBG And The Click HouseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz