11 | A clash of worlds

Start from the beginning

"What have I become

My sweetest friend"

All of a sudden she began actually singing, and I realised, she was actually had a pretty good voice. Her voice seemed kind of schizophrenic; she could both go really low and rough but also light and angelic. This I found out all ready in the first couple of seconds of her singing even though it had barely been audible. She was the kind of person whose voice you just knew could do probably anything with just a bit of training.

"Higher!" I encouraged as it went to the top of chorus again, "from the chorus!"

"No I can't" she said blushing slightly.

"Come on, Skye! Please!"

"If you laugh at me, I'll kill you!"

"I won't! Come on!" I started singing and Skye hesitantly joined in, together we sang the rest of the chorus

"What have I become

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know goes away

In the end"

She began singing louder as she became a little more comfortable with me and her own voice in its singing state.

"And you could have it all

My empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt."

We ended the song perfectly our voices in perfect tune and the melody from my guitar flowing as I plucked the strings, Skye drumming a simple rhyme on the coffee table.

"I would keep myself

I would find a way"

We finished the song and both simultaneously started cheering at each other. She had done really well, and what surprised me even more was the fact that her voice fitted with my own. They matched, which practically never happened due to my way of singing was quite unique.

"I didn't know you could sing? You're really good!" I said trying to make her believe me, as she seemed kind of hesitant to do so.

"Well I guess... I just always sang for myself;" she said, "never for anyone else. I have only been singing - maybe once or twice like this before, but it was always for a part in a play, or by myself while I played the piano. Never like this." She ended, so she could play the piano too, could the woman do everything? Maybe she sucked at it.

"You play the piano too?" I asked stupidly, she had just told me so.

"Yeah, a bit, nothing to brag about, you're really good on the guitar!"

"Thank you! You should come down to the studio one day, or just come around the flat, we could make some proper music when we're not hungover?" she laughed sweetly at my suggestion.

"Yeah, we could try that one day," she smiled and I started playing the guitar quietly, just kind of plucking strings at random.

"So what about you, Skye?" I asked kind of wondering who she was, I had spent my entire night with her, but I still had no idea who she was, besides the fact that her name was Skye and she was crazy.

"What about me?" she repeated.

"Where do you come from? How old are you? What's your last name? All that stuff. Who are you?"

"I should ask you the same thing, Jamie," she shot back.

"But I asked first, so you go," I countered.

"Yeah oh well..." she said defeated, or maybe she just didn't want to argue for days on end.

"Well my full name is Scarlett Moira Delaney, but for the love of god just keep calling me Skye, only Brad gets to call me Scarlett and no one gets to call me Moira!" I chuckled at her sternness, she coughed a bit and went on "and well I'm 22 and I come from a little town called Buriton."

"Oh gosh!" I exclaimed, Skye looked wonderingly at me. "I come from Petersfield! That's pretty close isn't it?"

"It is, we always drove through that town on our way to London!" She informed me.

"What about your parents?" I asked, while looking at her resting my head on the back of the couch.

"Well, I've got my mother back home, but I've never known my father, it was probably the usual getting pregnant too early and then he ran off when she told him. I'm just guessing though. My mother never wants to talk about it. For all I know he could be dead."

"You've never tried to find him?" I asked, it was a sad story. The girl had never known her dad.

"Why should I? It's not like I need him to tell me who I am," she said as if she had told people numerous times before.

"But he's your father?" I more asked than told her.

"Exactly," she just said. I waited for her to explain but she didn't.

"What do you mean?"

"Well he's my father, he has had a chance to find me for 22 years and he hasn't," she said coldly, "that means he probably don't want anything to do with me. I have just taken the hint."

"I'm sorry..." I said taking her hand "I'm sorry for asking in the first place actually." She pulled her hand back and looked sternly at me.

"Don't be, I don't have a father and that's how it is, It's not a sad thing." She put up a little smile.

"Okay, then I'm not sorry," I told her, if she had never known the man she could never miss him, right?

"So!" Skye breathed, "What about you?"


"What's your full name?"

"I've got two, my stage name is Jamie Campbell Bower, but in my passport it says James Metcalfe Campbell Bower."

"James," she said like she tasted the word "that's way too sexy for you. It's a good thing you're called Jamie." The smile on her face was reaching her ears.

"No it's not! I can absolutely be a James! I am a James!" I bellowed indignantly.

"No you're a Jamie and you know it!" she said smiling and looking straight into my eyes, like she was talking to a toddler.

"You're kind of a bitch you know that?" I said starting to get a little angry. I was a James, god damn it! Just as well as a Jamie!

"You arse!" she cried and starting hitting me on my chest. I wouldn't have it. I took a hold of her shoulders and pulled her around, so her back was against me chest and started tickling her, hoping to god she was ticklish. She totally was. She screamed loudly as soon as I touched her waist and wiggled wildly to get loose. I held on to her as she started to lose her breath, due to all the screaming and laughing.

"Please stop!" she screamed, still laughing like crazy and trying to get away.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" I looked up. In the doorway her wasted friend stood looking at us. His face was pale and he looked sick. How mush had he been drinking? I stopped tickling her, and she sprang up like she had touched an electric fence.

"It sounded like you were killing her." The guy said flatly. Skye was still trying to catch her breath. Then she looked up at her friend.

"You ready to go home?" she asked him and he nodded.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

Get Your Guns | Vol. 1 | Jamie Bower FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now