First show

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        The locker room was bare, I felt at peace for at least I didn't have to put up with the other divas gossip. Gentle knocking rang throughout the room "Come in" I commented. A short woman with long black hair came into the room. "Looks like we are sharing a locker room." She said. "It seems so, I'm Taylor" I mentioned. "I'm Aj, hey aren't you the one who put people out of wrestling?" She asked. "Yes I am but I rather not talk about it." I replied briskly. "Oh, well I hear you are going to be mentored by Roman" She said. I remembered that I was supposed to meet Roman "Yea oh, I forget I have to go meet him in catering." I commented "Hey I'll come with you, If you want" Aj added. "Sure." I said getting up and walking over to the door. Aj lead me into the large room filled with people chatting. "Romans over there Taylor" She mentioned pointing to him. I walked quickly over to Roman trying to ignore the akward stares I was recieving. "Taylor are you ready to work on your storyline?" Rome asked "Sure, Rome."  I replied. We sat at one of the many large tables in the room "So the Authority thought it would be a good idea for you and me to be brother and sister."  Roman mentioned "It seems like a good idea and it would explain why you would be mentoring me." I added. Roman opened his mouth to reply but quickly shut it for a tall man with auburn hair and blue-green eyes sat across from us at the table. "Hey Rome whose the chick?" The man asked shaking his head towards me. "Jon thats Taylor, I'm her mentor." Roman commented. Jon looked me over and I felt uneasy "Take a damn picture it'll last longer." I commented. He smiled "Well isn't she a ray of sunshine Rome? Why do you need to have a mentor anyway?"  He mentioned. I didn't really know why I needed a mentor so I waited for Roman to answer. "She needs a mentor because of her violent nature, she put a end to 13 careers in Ring Of Honor." Roman replied. Dean looked shocked but quickly regained his composure "Ah so your Ms.Monroe." He said under his breath. I smirked I haven't heard that nickname since Ring of Honor.  "How do you know that's my nickname?" I questioned "Well for one that all the fans have been cheering for Ms.Monroe the monster." He commented "And for two all the guys got a warning about two new Divas that will wrestle guys as well." .  I took a strand of my hair and started playing with it "Hey baby how did you get back here?" A male voice asked from behind me. "I'm a wrestler and I will kick your ass if you try anything." I stated meanly. He came into veiw a tall man with a bunch of skull tattoos and sat in the chair next to me. "Baby you wouldn't try anything" He mentioned getting close to my face. Roman and Jon were about to shove the guy away from me but before they could get a hand on him I punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards and fell into multiple chairs, "Taylor I think we should get back to your locker room." Roman said with Jon nodding in agreement.

        We stayed in the locker room a good half of the show, Deja had already appeared as part of the authority and I thought it was hilarious for Seth kept putting his arm around her.  "Taylor we should get going our match is up next." Roman mentioned "Fine whose it against?" I questioned. "It's against Randy Orton and Kane." He snickered "Whats so funny?" I asked. "Ortons the guy who you beat the hell outta" Jon said "Oh and I am on commentary for that match.". We walked to the entrance and waited for the theme music to hit. Jon was up first "Ladies and gentlemen Dean Ambrose" Lilian Garcia announced. Roman went out and the crowd went wild the crowd went silent as Roman took the microphone "I would like to have the honor to introduce my little sister Taylor Marie Monroe" Rome said proudly. My theme music hits and the audience went crazy, Kane and Orton were in the corner talking to each other.  Roman hugged me as I entered the ring "You want to start first or me?" I asked "You can since its your first day sis." Roman answered. I locked up with Kane which was harder than I thought because of his size, he pushed me into a corner and before headbutting my ribs I moved outta the way. Kane slapped me and went to his partner Orton, I recovered and quickly drop kicked Orton. I mocked him and stomped on his arms and head, I moved by the ropes and Kane got my arms twisted in the ropes while the Ref was not looking. Randy recovered and stalked his way over to me "Since you hurt me earlier babe I'm gonna get my prize." Randy commented snake- like. He leaned my head back and kissed me on the lips, he tasted awful of stale cigarettes and beer.  Dean came up in between the ropes next to me then, he closlined Kane and Orton and untied my arms. "You okay sweetheart?" He asked quietly "I'm fine and I'm not anyones sweetheart." I commented briskly. The bell rang and declared Kane and Orton the winners because of Ambrose's interuption. "Did Ambrose just save Reigns baby sister?" Jerry speculated "He sure as hell did Jerry" was all JBL said. Roman came up between the ropes and apoligized "I'm sorry Tay, Kane knocked me out.". I shrugged it off and walked back to the locker room.

        I walked into the locker room and Aj was waiting there, "Taylor did Dean just save you?" Aj asked excitedly. "Yea but it wasn't a big deal, I'm glad he did I would'ave bitten Randy''s face off" I commented sitting down. She laughed at me and threw the script at me "It wasn't in there that Dean was supposed to interfere or for Orton to kiss you." She said bouncing up and down. "So?" I asked impatiently. "Oh, nevermind it's nothing oh I wonder whose knocking at the door." She said walking over to the door. "Ambrose what do you want?" She said in a stern tone "Nice to see you to Aj, I need to talk to Taylor." He said jokingly. She moved inside the room and sat next to me, "Taylor you okay?" He asked "Yea I'm fine I have to bleach my mouth though." I commented wiping it roughly. "Well okay, that all I was sent for Rome felt bad for not being able to help." Dean said fiddiling with his jacket. "Go tell him its okay Dean" I mentioned he nodded his head and walked towards the entrance "Oh and Tay, he wanted to know if you would come with us to the bar later." He said almost inaudiable. "Sure" I said and he left closing the door softly. "Well Taylor are you gonna wear that to the bar?" Aj asked enjoying this. "Aj I'm going in my black skinny jeans, pumps, and leather jacket." I said sidestepping her so I could change. "Okay have fun oh and tell me if anything interesting happens" she said leaving the locker room. 'This is the weirdest first day I had' I thought putting my dark purple and green hair in a ponytail. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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