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        Working at a new job is quite frightening, a little less so since my best friend is starting in the Company with me. The glass building stood looming over us in the distance, Deja and I walked into the building. A small woman with blonde hair greeted us "Hello I assume you two are Deja Amargen and Taylor Griffis." She replied standing.  We nodded and she signaled for us to follow her into a long corridor. The woman knocked on the office door "Hello, Mr.Levesque the new workers are here." She said. 'They act so buisness like for a wrestling company.' I thought. A tall man who was bald answered the door,"Ah, Ms.Amargen and Ms.Griffis welcome I see you got the memo to come here before going to the arena." The man known more commonly as Triple H commented sitting down. "Yes sir, but why were we called here?" Deja asked curious.  "You were called here to understand what has been happening in the company, and one of you will become a member of the Authority." He said happily. "Wait so your basically splitting us up?" I asked shocked "In a matter of terms yes but you two will not be fighting each other."  Triple H replied hastily "So as you all know we are having an Authority side and A Non authority side, you will have mentors for each side but first let me tell you whose Authority and Whose not." Triple H said clearing his throat. "Deja you have been choosen for the Authority because your style of wrestling is more instructive. And Taylor you are Non-Authority because you have a pyschotic style of wrestling."  He said sternly. Me and Deja looked from each other wearily, we both hated having to talk to people we don't know. "Now let me introduce you to your mentors." He pushed the button on his desk and gentle knocking came from the other side. A tall man with black hair and samoan tattoos walked in first he was followed by a slightly shorter man with black and  blonde hair. "Colby is going to be your instructor Deja." Triple H said as Colby stood behind Dejas chair. "And this is Leati your mentor Taylor." Triple finished "I would rather you call me Roman" Leati mentioned. "You can call me Seth or Colby your choice babe." Colby said in a hoarse voice "And I rather you not call me babe unless you want your nuts gone." Deja said harshly.  Colby stepped back and looked offended but quickly regained compose when Triple H was about to talk again. "Now go to the Arena get changed get prepped your first day on the job is tonight don't screw it up." Triple H said in a stern voice.

        Roman gave us a ride to the arena and all the way there Deja was threating to beat the hell outta Seth. "Seth leave her the hell alone now or I am going to kick you out." Roman demanded. "So Taylor I heard you were suspended from Ring Of Honor Wrestling why?"  Seth questioned curious. Damn this guy reminded me of a two year old with his curiosity. "If you must know I put ended 13 careers of other wrestlers." I sighed "Wow how did you do that?" It was romans turn to question. "I broke two necks, 6 knees, left 4 people paralized from my submission move, and 1 person died from my move Dark Angel." I replied shyly. Deja looked at me as if I were joking "Taylor you didn't tell me that you hurt so many people." She commented.  "Well lets forget about that shit were almost there" I shouted. I seriously hated having my past brought up. After I blew up seth went to poking Deja and so she started hitting him. "Stop acting like little kids you two were here." Roman commanded. We all got outta the car and fans started screaming our names. "Taylor after you get dressed we will work on your storyline ok?" Roman asked me "Sure, hey is it okay if I call you Rome?" I answered.   "Yea thats fine." He said and we both went our seperate ways to get prepared. 

What lies BeneathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon