You Don't Look The Same.

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*TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual assault and abuse*

With no other words, I run to the phone. I don't even know what I need to say. So I hand the phone to Lucas. It's a good thing Pippi got me; I wouldn't have known otherwise.

"Yeah, there's been a break-in," I hear Lucas stutter. "Yeah, it's on 1725 Flash Drive. There's a girl that will tell you everything. She's the only one that witnessed this mess."

My mom comes back, wondering why there's a police car in front of our house. In come Jeff, Poo, and Tony, worried sick about Paula. I just hope I don't have to do a lot of the talking.

Quickly, Lucas and I hide up in my room. He informs me about everything that Paula told him.

"So, she said a weird ass mustached man, wearing a fedora and a trench coat, came in and tried to beat her."

"Oh, God," I gasp.

"Yep, so I sacrificed myself, and this happened," says Lucas, rolling up his jeans, only to reveal many bruises.

"Luke, you're so brave," I say. "What the fuck is that on your thigh?"

Lucas takes my hand and sighs. Tears stream down his face, as I pull him in for a long hug. He tells me that after the strange man beat him up, he had gotten a lot worse done to him. Only to find out the same happened to Paula once the man was done with Lucas.

"We were raped."

Quickly, I gasp, then hold onto Lucas even tighter. I'd hate for anything else to happen to him.

"Ness!" my mom calls. "Phone's for you. Oh, my God, Lucas. Are you okay?! What's the matter?"

I walk downstairs, to grab the phone, as it had been left on hold. I tremble with fear, not knowing who could be at the other line.

"H-hello?" I shudder.

"Ness, it's your dad. I wanted to bring something up. So, I know you're gay. And, I popped by to see your boyfriend, who happened to be at your house. He was with a little blonde girl. Anyways, the little fucker assumed I was going to beat up Blondie, so..."

With no words, I hang up. How dare he call Paula, 'Blondie'? She hates that so much. Then, it hits me; Lucas said something about a man in a trench coat and fedora, what my dad sports whenever he can. And he has a mustache.

My father assaulted my boyfriend.

I run back into the living room, where Tony is comforting Paula. I tell Jeff about the suspect. However, I really have no clue where my dad is.

"What makes you think it was your dad?" Jeff asks.

"Lucas described his exact appearance, Jeff," I say. "Plus, he's homophobic, and he abuses women. Hell, he abused my mother."

"Paula, was it Ness's dad?"

"I couldn't tell," says Paula. "I also have no idea what his dad looks like, so..."

The door swings open, and it sends all of us running for the hills. It's my dad, and I have never feared for my life more than this second. He beat up my boyfriend and one of my best friends. Am I next?

With no further word to say, he grabs Paula and takes her outside. I call for help, and my mom comes running downstairs with Lucas. Isn't it bad enough her parents won't make it? Now, she might not.

I watch as he continuously assaults her, sexually. Thankfully, the police get here, and Paula runs inside, completely naked.

"Come upstairs, honey," my mom says quickly.

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