He sighs as he leans on the railing with me. I take another sip of my hot cocoa. Why was I always drinking something around him?

"What's wrong?" He asks and I sigh.

"Aish, it's just they underestimate my songwriting ability because I haven't had much life experience," I say and he just stands there like a statue and listens. "They made fun of me saying I can't write a love song if I've never been in love before but I have they just don't know."

I admit my deepest secret without thinking twice.

Luke stretches his arms against the railing and his hand comes close to mine.

So close that I feel the strongest urge to make them touch in some way.

"Hmm, Everyone comes into your life for a reason Seung. I like to believe in fate and that everyone who touches your life changes it for the better or worse in one way or another."

Luke says quietly and I look out towards the sprawling city below us.

"I use to believe in soulmates."

I reply and look for his reaction. His eyes fill with a sadness I had never seen before.

"I...I've seen it happen, I sometimes wonder if maybe mine is out there, just waiting for me to find him."

He says and there was something in his eyes that I couldn't describe. He turns to me and smiles.

"Let's not dwell on such depressing topics. I'm sure the guys didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Luke changes the subject And I turn around to face the penthouse only to see everyone except Izumi standing at the window watching Luke and I, making kissy faces.

Luke tries to turn around but I hold his shoulders to stop him so he can't see the hyungs being idiots.

I make a last minute decision and hug him my head barely touched his shoulders.

"Umm, am I missing something?"

Luke asks in a sort of weirded out sort of way. I peek over his shoulders to see the guys on the floor dying of shock and laughter.

"No, I'm just a very emotional person and they piss me off okay!" I say with a fake sniffle and he finally puts his arms around me.

Fixing the fuzzy blue blanket around my shoulders. He pets my head with one hand and then drags down until it rests on my cheek.

In one fluid motion, he bends his head and whispers in my ear,

"I saw them." he kisses my cheek, then pulls away from me.

And without looking at me, he tucks his hands in his pockets and disappears into the darkness.

I just stood there dumbfounded.


I sit at the piano and play a quick practice tune before cracking my knuckles and mentally prepping myself for this new song we were to perform.

"Anything good come to mind yet?"

I look up in surprise. Izumi stands next to me at the piano and peers down at me.

"Ah, I was just about to start. Sorry, I was so zoned out I didn't hear you walk in."

I say and he ruffles my hair.

"Did you want me to stop so you can sleep?" I ask and he just shakes his head.

"No, it's alright. I don't sleep anyway." He says and sits down next to me on the piano bench. "I want to see how this whole writing process works," he says and I shrug.

"I dunno. Usually, it just...comes to me." I say as I play a small piece that's been stuck in my head. The notes fit together just as well as I thought they would.

"I have the word fly stuck in my head so I think I'm going to write our first song about flight." I say and he nods, listening carefully as I play every key.

I stop when I get a good beat and pull out my screen to write.

"So, you and Luke are a thing?"

He asks and I shake my head furiously.

"No, no, no. He-I mean we just got close after the whole zip lining thing is all." I explain and Izumi raises a suspicious eyebrow.

He smirks and puts his arm around me.

I get that same shocking feeling and start to shutter at just his touch. "Good, we just started Chisana, you can't get distracted now. There are big things ahead of us." He says and I nod in agreement.

He takes his arm off of me and goes to his bed to lay down.

But my body is frozen.

What are these feelings that keep mixing around in my head and weighing down my heart?

Why do I feel this way?

New Seoul; Finding TaehyungDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora