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Namjoon's POV

All of us just stared at Taehyung. He is pretty chill most of the time, but right now he was squealing like a little girl. Especially Jungkook, he looked absolutely disgusted.
Jimin was the first to speak. "so, who gets time with Yoongi next?"
Those simple words started an all-out war between the members. While the others were arguing I scooped up Yoongi and carried him to my room. 
"Joonie?"Yoongi turned his head to look at me.
"Can Jin come hang out with us?"
" sure sweetie, i'll go find him."
I walked out and locked the door and found Jin in the kitchen serving food. 
"come with me" I grabbed Jin's wrist. Jin protested, but I didn't care. If Yoongi wanted Jin he would get Jin. I forced Jin up the stairs, opened the door, and shoved him into my room. 
"why are you being so aggressive?!?" Jin yelled at me. 
Yoongi was happy to see that Jin was with us.
"Eomma!" Yoongi bounced up and down.
"Kitten!" Jin hugged Yoongi and started planting kisses all over his face. I just rolled my eyes. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen, but I just wasn't willing to admit that. I sat down on the bed next to them, starting to get jealous. Yoongi was pretty much stealing my boyfriend. Jin seemed to notice the look on my face because he started teasing me.
"Ooh someone's getting jealous" Jin raised his eybrows. 
Jin continued acting cute with Yoongi, which was quite annoying. 
"Eomma" Yoongi poked Jin in the chest.
"Yes?" Jin asked.
"stop kissing me." Yoongi pouted.
"I'm sorry kitten, you're just too cute!" Jin kissed Yoongi on the nose.
Yoongi giggled.
I went to the bathroom, mainly because I had to collect my thoughts. When I was washing my hands I heard a scream and the sound of breaking glass come from downstairs. I busted open the bathroom door and ran downstairs. The problem was in the kitchen. There was a girl sitting on the floor, broken glass scattered everywhere. Taehyung ran into the kitchen to help her. 
"why is she here?" I asked Taehyung.
"You know how my parents are coming over tomorrow?" Taehyung looked at me.
"Yeah." I started cleaning the glass.
"She's helping me fake being straight"
"Woooow, real classy. Hiring someone to fake being your girlfriend."  I said sarcastically.
"I have no other choice!" Taehyung started to get mad.
I just nodded. But I realized something.
"Your parents don't know about Yoongi."
Taehyung's eyes got wide. "you're right."
There was a slight moment of silence as I tried to think of a plan.
"He'll just have to stay here. It's not safe for him to go out in public." I told Tae
"you're right, Yoongi's valuable." Taehyung nodded.
"who's Yoongi?" The girl chimed in.
"no one, it doesn't matter." Taehyung looked stressed out.  
After I was done cleaning up the mess I went back upstairs to Yoongi and Jin. 
"what happened?" Jin looked worried.
"Taehyung's parents are coming here tomorrow." I said.
"So?" Jin turned his head sideways.
"They don't know about Yoongi." I told him.
"I'll just tell them he's my boyfriend." Jin cuddled Yoongi.
"But they already know about our relationship." 
"Well Jimin has a boyfriend and Jungkook is a terrible actor." I thought out loud.
"That leaves Hoseok." Jin finished my sentence.
I went to go find Hoseok.

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