Chapter 3 - Stuck in a moment

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Her mind was in a total blackout.

Days later, she would not remember a single thing she had thought or felt, only that warm, slightly harsh voice, reassuring all would be ok. 

Once Sean had seen Sarah for the first time, covered with blood, he had asked for her to be sent immediately to the surgery... Her life was at risk and he had to make a quick decision. 

Sean Hunter was a thirty five year old young doctor, recently arrived to the biggest Hospital of London. Known to be an extremely responsible and hard-working doctor, he had another quality that made him a special person. He he was kind, concerned and focused on treating each patient with consideration. 

His life was spent between the hospital and home, where he'd continue studying to be the best. All his family's expectations layed on him, the «so wanted male child» of a couple, who had died too soon, in car accident. The natural thing was for him to be a doctor, like his father, the natural thing was for him to be engaged with Miriam, the daughter of his father's best friend, his first girlfriend, and the natural match for the perfect marriage. All in Sean's life was scheduled to the point he didn't have spare time or other activities besides working and studying.

That day, hadn't been different: he had arrived at the hospital at six o'clock in the morning – the first of the team – and, after having a strong, black coffee, he had gone straight to the ER, already a chaos. By the time his shift was about to end, a nurse came to him, in a hurry:

- Doctor... two ambulances just arrived, a car accident, two victims, one unconscious: a young woman, 29, – pretty damaged... head trauma... a possible trauma in her spine...

Sean looked at the time: almost 7pm. He had made an arrangement with Miriam to have some sushi and go to the movies, he'd have to skip those patients and leave them to the next shift, however, the voice of a man, crying and screaming «it's not my fault», made Sean realize that should have been the responsible for the accident. He approached the man and asked some questions about his condition. While listening to the man, Sean watched the woman being brought by the paramedics, her face and her long hair messy and soaked in blood. Sean looked around him: not a single colleague around was available... she would probably remain there, until someone had the chance to take care of her.

He approached her and took her pulse:
- It's gonna be alright... Stay with me... Please, stay with me...

Then she opened her eyes, blurred, at the begining, but hypnotized after, when she realized a pair a green eyes were focused on hers, and she knew instinctively that person would take care of her... So, she nod her head and whispered, before passing out, once more:

- Thank... you.

Sean turned to the nurse:

- Just give me a second... let me text a message and I'll join you. Take the woman to the surgery unit... I'll meet you in 2 seconds...

«Things are pretty messed up, around here. Gotta stay to stabilize a patient. Call U when I can. Love»

That should be enough. Miriam would have to understand... After talking to an intern to take care of the injured man, Sean immediatelly headed off the elevator, in time to check on the woman's file. The document said her car had been hit from behind with extreme violence and her body had suffered a severe impact, losing consciousness immediately after.

When he arrived at the surgery room, the woman was already there, being set to the procedure.

- Any news on Robert?

- No doctor... with the storm outside, he texted, saying he was late...

- This woman can't wait... I'll take the responsibility...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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