"Thank you, Jennie...for being here."

Any moment now he would enter the great hall where everyone is

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Any moment now he would enter the great hall where everyone is. His heart is beating so loudly he could hear it in his ears. He paced back and forth behind the huge mahogany door that separates him from everyone inside the great hall.

Behind him are the six lords of his council. More than a friend, they are like a brother to him. It is only fitting that they would walk him to his wedding.

"I'm getting dizzy with him pacing back and forth like that." Lord Jay said as he squints his eyes and hold his head in exaggeration.

"I don't know about you but it's quite entertaining." it was Lord Vince who spoke, clearly enjoying the scene before him.

Jake halted and gave him a look "You know I could hear you."

"Oh come on. Lighten up Jake. Would you rather be at war than be wedded to a beautiful princess?" Lord Christian chimed in putting his arms around his cousin.

"Honestly, a war seems a better option right now. I've never been this nervous. Not even during battles." Jake responded.

"Now I know you don't mean that. But you wouldn't want to say that again, before anyone hears you." it was Lord Jin trying to defuse the tension.

They were then interrupted by one of his advisers. "Everyone is ready, your majesty."

This is it. He told himself as he blew a last deep breath. He stood straight and compose himself concealing all the nerves he was feeling just a while ago. They walked in the great hall and could feel hundreds of eyes on them.

The hall was decorated beautifully and elegantly. Surrounded by white and gold decors. Sheer white drapes hung above the ceiling. White roses arranged beautifully with leaves so green it stands out from all the white that surrounds it. Golden stands that holds the flower arrangements at the end of each of the rows where nobles are seated, outlined the aisle very neatly.

There he stood at the end of the aisle while his brothers took their respective seat at front with Princess Jennie, Lady Rose and Lady Jizelle—Jin's betrothed.

Soft orchestra started playing gaining everyone's attention. Everyone expectantly looked at the huge door where the bride would appear.

The silence that swept over the crowd made him look at the same direction they're all looking at. And the moment he did so, his breath caught on his throat. His bride walks the aisle as if everything is moving so slowly, or perhaps it is, he doesn't know.

She's breathtakingly beautiful.

Everyone in the hall is enthralled by her beauty. She wore the finest long sleeved ballgown. Crystals and beads meticulously designed like a vine crawling down her arms. Her neckline shows just enough to accentuate her collar bones. The bodice is fully beaded and her train revealed intricately designed beaded vines and flowers. Her blond hair was braided up loosely with curly strands that hangs here and there. Golden crown holds her sheer veil at the back of her head that sparkles beautifully at certain angles.

She stood in front of him and they stare at each other at what seems like forever. They managed to break their stare once they both faced the bishop before them. The bishop's voice then echoed the hall.

"We are gathered here today to witness King Jake Azaran and Princess Anna Lisa Eiran come together. As today you stood before these witnesses and declared your intent to commit your lives to each other in marriage. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together."

"Do you, King Jake, take Anna Lisa to be your wife?

"I do." he responded. Silently thanking God that his voice did not sound weak.

"Do you, Ana Lisa, take King Jake to be your husband?

"I do." she said softly.

"Do you promise devotion to one another freely—without restrictions; honestly—without deceit; now—without hesitation?"

"I do." they both responded

Do you promise to accept her just as she is, sharing with her and supporting her through the experiences of your lives, be they easy or difficult, happy or sad, challenging or mundane, till death do you part?

"I do."

Do you promise to accept him just as he is, sharing with him and supporting him through the experiences of your lives, be they easy or difficult, happy or sad, challenging or mundane, till death do you part?

"I do."

After the declaration of intent came the rings presented to them for them to exchange.

"I, King Jake, give you this ring as a symbol of my promise to you." He said as he took her hand in his. He looked at the ring before sliding it into her finger.

"I, Princess Anna Lisa, give you this ring as a symbol of my promise to you." she said softly as she placed the ring on his finger.

"In my presence and in the presence of your family and friends, you have exchanged vows and made promises. Therefore, with the blessings of God, it is my pleasure to now pronounce you husband and wife."

There it is. I'm married. There is no turning back now. He thought dumbly after the pronouncement.

"You may now kiss your bride" 

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