Bracelet - A Very Sad Love Story

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This story was written by John Derick Fudolig

There was a guy studying in a famous university. He was very smart. His name was JD. He was a renowned student, it was because he received a lot of awards from the school and was great in all things. He was very well, even bringing pride to the school's name. The only one thing he didn't have was love life. When it comes to love, he was very unlucky. 

Until one day, his teacher announced that they had a new girl classmate named Jessy. Jessy was a transferee from another famous university. When JD first laid eyes on Jessy, it was like seeing a goddess. JD was very eager to befriend her. At first, JD would take any simple start of their discussions. Sometimes he was doing anything so that Jessy would not feel that she was not in out of place in the class. As time passed by, they became really friends. It came to the point that they were comfortable with each other. JD's feelings for the girl did not change. In fact, he still admires the girl and he was happy to be with her always. He always sent Jessy to her house to be sure that she was okay. 

JD noticed Jessie who looked very sad. So he asked her what made her sad. Since they were already friends, Jessy shared to JD about what happened to them (her boyfriend). They broke up because her boyfriend had other girl. JD never hesitated to give her an advice and made her comfortable to what she has. Since that happened, JD was starting to do it always. 

One day, while they were in the school library, JD decided to court Jessy. He confessed his feelings to Jessy. He told Jessie that from the day he saw her, he felt like he was already in love with her. He asked Jessie instead of being like that, a very close friend, why won't they move to higher step which involving commitment. Jessie was very shocked to what JD has just been said. She never expected that JD would do it. Jessy immediately told him that she was not ready enough to go into a serious relationship and she was happy for what they already had. JD also immediately answered that it was okay and understand the situation. He just promised not to leave her. So he just let of what they have. They kept on being best friends. 

Months passed, JD was suddenly gone. He never went to school anymore. Jessy wondered why JD didn't show up anymore. She called him but he won't answer her calls. She thought that maybe JD took the rejection seriously and avoided her so he could move on. Jessy used to be with JD all the time so she realized that JD is very important to her. Even in going home, she used to be with JD. She also realized that her day would be incomplete without JD and she thought that she loves JD more than a friend. 

There was one Friday night when Jessy was late in going home because there was something she needed to finish regarding her project in school. She was walking along the dark road around 9 in the evening when suddenly she passed by with four drunken men. They saw her. They find her as attractive sexy girl so they were whispering with each other to meet the girl. Then there overtaking the girl. They placed themselves around the girl. Jessy was very afraid that time because she thought nobody was going to help her. While the guys used their time to know Jessy but she refused to say anything. Until one guy decided to touch her when suddenly somebody tapped his hand and punch him. Jessy recognized the face of the man who was helping her. The other man dragged Jessy but won't able to catch her because she fought back and hit her head on the ground. She fell asleep. While she was sleeping, the guy who was helping her continued to fight to them until each of them could not able to fight anymore. After fighting, she saw Jessy who was unconscious that time. He also saw her bracelet on the ground beside her. He just kept it in his pocket and carried the girl. He sent the girl in her home. 

When the girl woke up in that morning, she wondered on how she came to her house. Then she immediately remembered on what happened to her on that night. She remembered the man who was helping her. She thought that his face looks familiar. He looked like JD. After she thought that, many things went to Jessy's mind like if it was JD, it's very impossible because JD didn't even show up to her. She also thought if it was not JD, why she sent home safely and began noticing that her bracelet had lost in her arm. She didn't have a peace of mind that time so she was trying to call JD. She didn't give up calling him until JD answered the call. Jessy had a lot of questions that she needed to know. She asked him everything she wanted to know but the only answer she heard is "YOU WILL KNOW EVERYTHING IF YOU'LL GO HERE IN MY HOUSE LATER". 

Jessy could not just sit in one place, so she decided to just prepare herself and go to JD's house. Jessy went to JD's house with a lot of things she thought. Now she came into JD's house, she knocked. After knocking, someone opened the door. She saw JD's face but she noticed that his hair changed. But she didn't care and asked everything that she supposed to know. She didn't come in instead she said, "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME WITHOUT SAYING HUH? DID I SAY THAT I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU? WHY ARE YOU TAKING IT SERIOUSLY? ISN'T IT ENOUGH WHAT WE HAVE BEFORE? ARE YOU HAPPY TO SEE MY LIKE THIS? DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME LAST NIGHT? I KNOW IT WAS YOU". While talking, she couldn't control her tears that fell. The boy answered, "YES, I WAS THE ONE WHO IS FOLLOWING YOU LAST NIGHT, ACTUALLY NOT ONLY JUST LAST NIGHT TO KEEP YOU SAFE. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING YOU NEED TO KNOW, I AM JUST FOLLOWING TO HIM BECAUSE I LOVE HIM". (While he was saying BECAUSE I LOVE HIM, he pointed a man sitting back to them). He added, "GO CLOSER TO HIM, HE HAS A LOT TO TELL YOU." Jessy walked slowly to check who that man he was referring. When she was closer, she was really shocked of what she saw. Then the guy who opened her said, "YES THAT'S JD AND I AM JB. I AM HIS TWIN BROTHER. HE'S DIAGNOSED OF LEUKEMIA." She's really shocked of what she heard and saw. JD was very weak to look and his body was obviously pale. JD quickly said hello to Jessy. But Jessy was even more crying. Jessy said, "YOU CHEATED ON ME. YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME, DIDN'T YOU? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I MISS YOU? EVERY SINGLE DAY, I'M LOOKING FOR YOU, THOUGHT THAT I WAS THE REASON WHY YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP. WHY YOU DIDN'T EVEN INFORM ME ABOUT YOUR CONDITION? I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND, RIGHT? AFTERALL, YOU KNOW I REALIZED THAT YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO ME, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH JD."Jessy kept on crying. JD replied, "I'M SORRY JESSY, PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR HAND". Jessy held JD's hands. JD picked something in his pocket and it was the bracelet. JD put the bracelet back in Jessy's arms. He said, "IT'S NOT TRUE THAT I LEAVE YOU, THAT IS WHY I ASK JB TO FOLLOW YOU TO KEEP YOU SAFE. I DIDN'T EVEN TELL YOU ABOUT MY CONDITION SO THAT YOU CAN'T BE WORRIED. ONLY JB CONVINCED ME TO TELL SINCE I CAN'T STAY LONGER IN THIS WORLD. JUST PROMISE ME THAT EVEN IF I'M NOT WITH YOU ANYMORE, YOU WILL STILL BE HAPPY, OK? Jessy didn't agree on what JD said, "NO, YOURE NOT GOING TO DIE, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. PLEASE STAY WITH ME. IF THOSE DAYS THAT YOU WERE GONE I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF, HOW MUCH MORE IF YOU WILL BE GONE FROM ME FOREVER? JD replied, "JESSY, LIKE WHAT I SAID BEFORE, I'M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH YOU SINCE THE DAY I SAW YOU AND I WANT YOU TO ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT. I WANT YOU TO KNOW ALSO THAT EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T HEAR YOUR SWEET YES, I'M STILL HAPPY BECAUSE I KNOW YOU WERE HAPPY BEING WITH ME. BUT SINCE YOU ARE NOW SAYING THAT YOU LOVE ME NOW, I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW. CAN WE JUST REPEAT THE DAY I COURT YOU? Jessy immediately answered, "YES". So JD told everything that he said on the day that he courted Jessy. On the other hand Jessy immediately answered him while crying. Jessy hugged him tight. 


After those words were being said by JD, he died. Jessy couldn't believe, after a long time they had seen each other and found in one day but suddenly lost. It's really hard to her to accept. She was being comforted by JD's twin brother. 

Even though JD was gone, Jessy was still visiting to his house and there she was able to know JB more. And Jessy thought that JD was right, they have the same personality. So they became couple and got married.



Bracelet - A Very Sad Love Story by John Derick FudoligWhere stories live. Discover now