I opened my mouth to speak but the Judge's voice boomed over us all. "Case closed."

I watched as Harry reached down to pick up his discarded gun, his face one of immense worry. He seemed to feel my gaze because he turned to me, his eyes meeting mine. There was so much regret beneath them, as if he blamed himself for what had happened. As if he let history repeat itself.

I blinked against his gaze, tearing mine away so my heart would stop shattering to pieces. He tried to help he, I knew his intentions were just. But no matter how much goodness was in him, he was never a match for the wrath of Brookefield.

Locals trailed out of the room, while some stayed and continued to argue to one another. However, the Judge nodded for the last few guards to escort them out, and soon it was just the Jury, the Judge and I remaining. And one other person. My mother remained sitting in her place, her eyes scanning everyone but me. I ignored her and turned to the Judge.

"Your honour," I pleaded, ignoring Pincels grip on me as I tilted my head towards the Judge. "Isaac is innocent, he isnt-"

"Miss Argent, the case is closed." He interjected, his voice silencing the last bits of conversation in the Jury pew. I swallowed and lowered my gaze, looking down at the cuffs that clutched my wrists.

I forced myself to hold myself together and raised my head to stare at the Jury. Aaron was speaking roughly to Ethan, both of their heads ducked as they remained deep in conversation. Miss Anderson was watching me with narrowed eyes, her lips pursed. Miss Bland was getting up from her seat, ignoring my hostile gaze completely. The prosecutor stand was clearing out, with officers shaking their heads, their faces pale.

"You cannot say you have correctly closed a case when there was not enough evidence." I said, my voice clear and steady against the silent court house. Pincels hands tightened around my arm but in one swift movement I yanked it away.

And finally my anger was beginning to spill. Anger at seeing Isaac sacrifice himself for me. Anger at Aaron for helping the case close inappropriately, anger at the community for believing him and anger at myself for not being able to save the person I cared about. "And you." I spat, turning to glare at Pincel. "You think you're so high and mighty standing there with your Sheriff badge and weapons belt."

Pincel blinked in annoyance, his frown deepening.

"Renee, I think its best if you remain quiet-" The Judge began but I quickly interrupted.

"No." I lashed, anger singing my veins as my blood boiled. "This man who you trust so deeply isn't who you think he is." I whirled back to Pincel, ignoring the last of the guards pushing the final lot of locals out of the main entrance. "You did this to him. You locked up Isaac for something he never did. Just look at yourself," My breaths were beginning to grow heavy and a flush of heat touched the back of my neck. "Committing a boy for his lies when yourself are full of them."

Miss Anderson rose from the Jury, her eyes steel like. "Renee the case is closed. Forget it."

The Judge gave her a disapproving look but that didn't stop me from rising my voice.

"This man stands here representing the community and speaks of togetherness, unity, strength and honesty when he himself pointed a gun to my head in the questioning room."

No one said a word, however Coltons mum paused in her attempt to exit the court room.

"This man stands here attempting to put me in jail in order to see me humiliated. His intentions are murderous." I stared at him in the eye, rising from my spot enough for the cuffs to cut into my skin. "This man views himself as the Sheriff when in reality he is nothing but a fraud."

The Night ChildrenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin