Chapter 2

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Credence is waiting in the living room for Newt to come home, Newt had to go to MACUSA, to make an official statement about the subway, it's late and Credence is beginning to worry. Everyone else is sleeping, and Credence isn't sure why he's awake, but he can feel the Obscurial tickling his chest and it won't let him sleep. Every time he tries, the Obscurial rams itself against his chest so hard, that Credence swears he feels his rib cage rattle. So Credence decides to just stay up until Newt gets home, which seems to satisfy the Obscurial.

The door opens and Credence can feel the Obscurial flutter inside his chest, seeming excited. Credence stands and faces the door, it is Newt, but there's something wrong. Newt is off in some way, he looks tired and upset. The Obscurial pounds against his chest, wanting to help Newt, wanting to hold him, comfort him.

Newt's eyes widen when he sees Credence, not expecting anyone to still be awake and waiting for him. He glances at the clock and then back at Credence with a frown.

"I think it's past your bedtime mister, being a growing boy means you need plenty of sleep." Newt declares, with a teasing tone to his voice.

"Why are you so late Mr. Newt?" Credence questions, Newt's expression changes, and he stares at Credence blankly.

"MACUSA thought I knew things, and they wanted to use a truth serum on me, but they didn't have permission to do so," Newt explains, and Credence frowns not understanding. "See because I'm not an American and belong to the Ministry of Magic as a citizen of Britain they don't have any rights to do anything to me, until they have permission from the Ministry of Magic." Newt shifts from one foot to the other, and Credence nods.

"Will they let them?" Credence asks, Newt stares at the coat hanger, his hand hovering in the air where he was trying to place his coat on the hanger.

"Honestly, I don't know. Paperwork as wizards doesn't take as long to process as with humans, so they should have their answer by tomorrow morning." Newt states, he places his coat on the hanger, and walks over to his suitcase.

"What will you do?" Credence glances up at Newt, but doesn't make eye contact with him. "If they want to give you a truth serum." Credence clarifies, Newt picks his suitcase up and glances at Credence.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Newt smiles, Pickett pops out of his pocket and squeaks. "Now to bed we go." Newt states, he probably would go feed his animals first. Considering that they haven't eaten supper yet.

Credence goes to the room he shares with Newt and crawls into bed, Newt places his suitcase on the floor, and pops the switches to open it. Newt takes his vest off and places it over his bedsheets, he removes his bow tie and then unbuttons his shirt sleeves and rolls them up along his arms, Credence's gaze is immediately drawn to Newt's arms. Newt has scars all along his arms, some are old and silver, but others are new and look to just be scabbing over.

Credence's eyes widen, how did Newt get all these scars? Why does he not care if they're seen? Without realizing what he's doing, Credence is up and grabbing Newt's arm firmly between his hands.

Newt looks up startled by the sudden contact, but isn't meet with Credence's warm brown eyes, instead his eyes are pure white. The Obscurial seems to be looking through Credence's eyes, but there are no tendrils of black leaking out of Credence's frame.

Credence is in control, but the Obscurial is just as much there as the younger boy is.

Newt isn't really sure how that works, but Credence's eyes don't even glance up at him, his hands are gentle against Newt's skin, but firm as he inspects Newt's scars.

"How did you get these?" Credence gasps, he traces an old one with a finger. Credence glances up at Newt and for once Newt and Credence make eye contact, but it's more with the Obscurial than with Credence.

"It's nothing to worry about, sometimes I get too close to creatures that are scared, they protect themselves. It's mostly my fault honestly." Newt assures, Credence breaks eye contact and glances back down.

"And you still help them after they attack you?" Credence seems confused as to why Newt would do that, why he would even go near them after they injured him.

"Of course, it's not their fault. Most of them have been severely abused, and they don't trust anyone, all they know is pain, so they lash out at me, protecting themselves." Newt explains, tone soft.

Credence glances up at Newt and drops his hands to his sides, suddenly feeling embarrassed. He can feel the Obscurial retreat, and he stares at Newt, because he is the first person that Credence has ever meet that doesn't want to harm the creatures just because they've harmed him. Newt understands them, understands they went through a lot, and doesn't blame them.

No other human being Credence has meet has ever been that kind, and Credence knows now that he was right to trust Newt. Newt is good, will protect Credence. With whatever means necessary, he really hopes that doesn't mean Newt will put himself in danger to protect Credence.

From what he's seen so far, he's sure Newt will do something like that, but Credence is just as willing to do the same thing for Newt. His Obscurial has taken a liking to Newt, wants to protect him, keep him safe at all costs, Credence doesn't really understand it. Credence backs away and nods, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"I'll be back in the shake of a Niffler's tail, I haven't fed my creatures supper yet." Newt states, Credence nods again. Newt descends into the case.


The next morning, Newt decides he needs to talk to Credence about Grindelwald, Credence doesn't know that Graves was actually Graves. He also thinks that he should talk to Tina and Queenie and see if they have any news on the investigation as to where the real Percival Graves is.

"Credence, can we talk?" Newt asks, Credence looks up from his plate filled with breakfast, and nods. Newt walks into their shared bedroom and begins to pace.

"Mr.Newt, is something the matter?" Credence whispers and Newt shakes his head.

"No, well yes," Newt sighs. "Credence you remember the man named Graves right?" Newt questions softly. Credence stiffens and Newt winces.

"Yeah." Credence answers softly, with a frown on his face.

"Well, that was a dark wizard, the real Percival Graves is out there somewhere, but the one you knew wasn't him." Newt informs and Credence frowns in confusion.

"Who, who was it then?" Credence looks up at Newt, eyes shining with tears, and Newt feels bad for bringing it up.

"Gellert Grindelwald, and he wanted to use you for the Obscurus inside you, to destroy a place called Hogwarts and the soon to be headmaster Dumbledore." Newt sighs, and gives Credence an apologetic look.

"What is Hogwarts?" Credence questions with a furrow between his brows, Newt almost facepalms, he forgot that Credence doesn't know a lot about the wizarding world.

"It's a school for witchcraft and wizardry. The teachers teach them how harness their abilities and learn spells." Newt smiles at Credence's wide eyed expression.

"So that's why Graves wanted to find the Obscurial so badly?" Credence questions softly, eyes shining with understanding.

"Yes, but we won't let Grindelwald get to you. We'll protect you." Newt smiles and reaches out slowly to touch Credence's shoulder.

"But what if he hurts you again, like he did when he was Graves?" Credence makes eye contact with Newt and he's stunned by the seriousness in Credence's eyes.

"Credence, if that happens again, I want you to run. Get as far away as you can, try to find Queenie, or Tina. Promise me." Newt declares with as much seriousness.

"But Newt, I could help, I could stop him from hurting you." Credence denies, trying to reason with Newt.

"Promise me." Newt pleads and Credence looks into his eyes to see the anxiety there. 

"I promise." Credence sighs defeated.

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