Chapter 1: Wings

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It was just another normal day. Well,not such a normal day for me, Serena Buckingham. I was on my phone in my room, when I heard the front door slam. Naturally, I just thought it was dad, back from work. "Hi dad!" I shouted. "Hey Serena." He shouted back. I was just going to go down, when the lights in my room went black. " Dad, it's another power cut." I said. " I don't think so sweetie. The lights still on downstairs." He said. That's weird. I tried switching on the lights, but I couldn't find the switch. Suddenly, I saw a large ball of blue, flaming fire in my bed. I was about scream, when my dad came in my room. " Serena, stop playing around, the lights in your room are fine, but where are you..." He asked. I stared at him unbelievably. Is he blind or something? Can't he see that there's a large ball of blue fire on my bed? He then went out and closed my room door. Great. I'm left in a room with a giant blue fireball on my bed. Could this evening get any weirder? Then, the blue fireball started coming tomards me and went into my chest. I was stunned and half shocked. For a few minutes, I seemed to have lost my breath. But then everything went black, and I fell. When my senses returned, I opened my eyes and looked around. Nothing had changed. I was still in my room, with my night clothes on. Except, there was a huge pain in my back. I didn't really care about it at first, but then, it started to sting painfully. When I looked in the mirror, I was stunned to see big angel- like wings had sprouted from my back. They were a pale blue mixed with dark velvet. They were beautiful, but what I was more worried about, was that how was I going to sleep? What would dad say if he saw them? But the question that I was dying to know was: WHAT am I ? After millions of questions popped into my head one by one, the first thing that came into my mind was that I had to put some ointment where my - these wings came from. I quietly slipped out of my bed, and went downstairs. Just as I was going to walk across the living room, I saw dad seated on the sofa, with the lamp on looking at some pictures. Great. How am I going to put some ointment on my back. " Oh Marissa, why did you have to leave me? With Serena to take care of, I'm left to fend for myself. All because of that stupid dimwitted Helian. Why did you have to be a vampire Marissa, why? " he said. What!!! My mother was a... a... VAMPIRE! I thought in my head. How could my dad keep this secret away from me! So that means, I'm part vampire, and part... Human!!! I felt like screaming and shouting at my dad right there on the spot. But I was so wrapped up in my anger, that I knocked down dad's favorite ornament. "Who's there? Serena? Is that you?" Oh... No... If he finds me like this, he'll faint! I quickly and quietly, went backwards on the stairs and hid behind the curtains. My heart was beating rapidly, as he went up the stairs. As he came up, he paused by the curtains, and looked closely. I held my breath. After what seemd like 5 minutes, he left and headed towards my bedroom. Phew! That was close! I quickly ran downstairs, went to the kitchen grabbed the ointment bottle, stuffed in my night clothe's pocket, and ran back to my hiding place, behind the curtains. My huge wings, made it difficult for me to run up and down. Just as I reached the curtains, I heard footsteps thudding on the marble floor, from my bedroom, going past the curtains and down the steps to the living room. I did a quick exhale, and raced to my room, careful to open and close my door very quietly.

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