Chapter 11 - The Battle for Helms Deep

Start from the beginning

I hear shouts along the wall, as some groups are swarmed by orcs, as they spill into our battlements. Only now I realise that I have been separated from Legolas and Gimli, as I fight down the wall, running to the aid of my companions. I see orcs carrying a large spiked ball towards my position on the wall, and another ball joins them. Only distantly, I realise that on the ground, there is a sluice gate. The orcs had something planned. 

I could hear Aragorn distantly yelling, though the only words I could hear were 'bring him down.' Then it caught my eye. An orc sprinting at full speed through the path cleared for him, holding a sparkling torch, towards the gate. 

Without thinking, I fired at him, hitting the same time as Legolas. He kept running. So I took aim again. He wasn't stopping. Nothing Legolas or I was doing could stop him.

"Dago hon! Dago hon!" Aragorn screamed across the wall, pointing at the still approaching Uruk. 

It dived, right before it reached the wall, as i was trying to run out of the way. 

The wall quaked and began to fall apart, as a huge flash of light ad massive explosion consumed all of my senses. The rocks fell underneath me. I rolled and thudded down the wall into the mud. My vision is white for a split second as I try to shake the force of the explosion off. I stumble  my way onto my feet, as the ringing in my ears begins to fade.

I look away from the huge gape in the wall, to the Uruk-Hai that were beginning their charge on the former section of the wall. I pulled my sword out and began to fight them off. I could he the sound of a swords clashing besides me.

"ARAGORN! Aloryssa!" I decapitated the Orc in front of my with a grunt before turning to see Gimli leaping off the wall. 

"Gimli!" I shout, a bolt of fear striking me as he lands on top of our enemies. I fight harder, pushing myself more and more, as I make my way over to my friends. I soon heard Aragorn call the Dwarf's name. A split second later I burst through the line of enemies, rushing to stand by Aragorn's side, prepared to fight our foul opponents together. I skid to a stop next to him as he pulls Gimli out of the water. 

Aragorn turns sharply towards me sword at the ready, before recognition passes over his face.

"Glad to see you're okay." I shrug nonchalantly, before gesturing towards the hole int the wall.

"It nearly got me, but one tumble isn't gonna kill me." He eyes widen and flicker towards something approaching behind me. 

Sword ready, I turned. Quickly dodging a swipe, i disarmed my attacker, literally. As his arm fell to the ground, I hacked at his neck cutting his groan short, and turning it into more of a gurgle, as blood began to slip out of his open mouth. Before he even falls to the ground I am moving past him and onto the next charging Uruk-Hai. 

"Aragorn!" King Theoden's voice is distant, "Fall back to the Keep! Get your men out of there!"

Aragorn gives out quick fire commands to those around him, I dispatch another Orc, then make my way back into the walls of Helms Deep. Only then do I notice Aragorn's absence. I move forward none-the-less. I make my way to the gate, as Theoden's men struggle to hold back the Orcs and their battering ram. 

"Hold them!" 

Aragorn is beside me before I can blink.

"How long do you need?" The King looks the Ranger in the eyes.

"As long as you can give me." 

Aragorn gives the man Theoden a nod, before calling Gimli towards him. He gestures for me to follow them. We slip through a door next to the gate, and onto the outside perimeter of the wall, looking for any near danger. Crossing a narrow path, we edge closer to the outside of the gate. Aragorn looks anxiously at the Causeway. 

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