Chapter 13

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Forever Fall Forest

Y/N pov

I was staring at the person.

???: What are you staring at?

Y/N: Oh nothing.

???: Good. Now let's fight.

I motioned him to come get me. He ran right at me. I waited till he got closer..

Y/N: Now!

???: Wait! What?

I changed into a wolf and lied down. He tripped over me, so I took the chance I had and ran over to him and bit him in the leg.

???: Ow!

He kicked me off and swung his sword at me.

Y/N: Woah!

I dodged barely by rolling backwards. I tried to swing my sword at him but he turned invisible and the sword passed easily through where he just was.

Y/N: Crap! Where did you go?

I started listening for footsteps.


I turned my sword into its sniper form and shot at the noise.

???: You missed.

Y/N: Oh, come out of hiding and fight me.

???: You have to find me first.

I changed into a wolf and started to sniff the air to find him.

Y/N: Found you!

I lunged at where he was. I saw him change back to normal. He charged me.

Y/N: Nope!

I decided to use Ruby's scythe and fighting style. I shot the scythe and sped right at him from the force of the shot.

???: Woah!

He jump back, but it was not far enough. I swung the scythe at him, but he blocked it.

???: Nice try.

Y/N: Oh yeah?

He got confused. We had our weapons entangled, so I pulled the trigger and shot me, the scythe, and his sword away.

???: Oh come on!

I turned Ruby's scythe into Yang's gauntlets and rushed him. I kept punching and I landed a few hits before he turned invisible again.

Y/N: Crap.

He reappeared behind me and kicked me in the knee, making me go down, he disappeared again. I tried to get back up, but he reappeared in front of me and kicked me in the stomach.

Y/N: This again?

I thought of a way to counter this, but I only get one chance. I got up slowly, he reappeared right in front of me. He tried to punch me in the jaw, but I caught it and pulled him close so I could uppercut him on his chin. I got up still holding him and kick his stomach, sending him flying into a tree.

Ruby:(yelling) Y/N! Where are you?

Jaune:(yelling) He's this way.

I looked at my opponent.

Y/N: Well it's time to finish up this fight.

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