Mu X Reader

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Here's what you requested, hikiso63, thank you for your patience. I hope you like your one-Shot!

~Reader's Point Of View

Athena's gold saints and some of the silver saints were out on a mission on a Island. You thought it was a pretty strange location, none of the saints have ever been on a Island. And guess what? The saints don't exactly know what their here to do. Your Goddess, Athena just said, "You'll figure it out, when you get there." Which didn't really made much sense.

You look around absorbing the Island. The Island definitely has more bigger and stronger trees then in the sanctuary in Greece. There are a bunch of colourful birds sitting on the branches of the trees, singing their heart out. As your looking around, your eyes stop at the gold saint, Mu.

Your cheeks turn a light shade of red, under your mask. Whenever your eyes land on, Mu you just can't stop looking, no matter how hard you try. Since your busy looking at Mu, you don't notice a enormous stone on your path.

Unexpectedly, Mu turns his head and catches you staring at him. Your eyes widen and you immediately turn away, feeling embarrassed.

Mu, saw me looking at him.
Suddenly your foot, hits something hard, tearing you out of your thoughts.

Someone's arms warp around you, preventing you from hitting your head. You get up, holding on to the arms of someone unknown.

"Be careful, Y/n," your body immediately goes stiff. You know this voice. It's Mu. The thought of Mu's arms around you makes your ears and face beat red.

Thank, Athena I'm wearing my mask.

"Uh...sorry about that," You mumble, feeling even more embarrassed then before. Mu let's go of you, and goes back to where he was before, without expecting your apology.

You take a deep breath in, to relax your body, so you don't make stupid mistakes like that, especially in front of Mu.


Time passes by and the saints of Athena are still walking, it's probably been a couple of hours and your starting to get tired. Some of the other saints are also getting tired and Shaka notices it.

"My fellow saints, it seems like that we're all getting exhausted and the night is falling. So, we're going to stay here for the night," everyone's eyes lit up at Shaka's words, including yours.

Night had fallen fast upon the land. No more than an hour ago the sky was painted with hues of red, orange and pink, but all colour had faded leaving only a matt black canvas with no stars to be looked upon. The night is cold and chilly, It's the type of coldness that reaches into your bones, as if your heart were a door left wide open to the icy wind, slamming.

You shut your eyes, wrapping your arms around yourself. You wish, you had some sort of blanket to cover your self with. And then as if your wishes reached the God, someone wraps a warm woolly blanket around you.

You open your eyes and find Mu's face only a few inches away from your face. "I thought you must be cold," says Mu as he backs away and then surprisingly takes a seat beside you.

Instead of replying to him, you just stare at him, in shock. Mu, looks back at you, waiting for a reply.

"Oh, uh...thanks. That's very nice of you," you say trying to avoid Mu's gaze.

"Your welcome."

After a few minutes, everyone fell asleep, expect you. You aren't feeling well. It's getting hard for you to breath and you desperately want to take off your mask.

So, you get up, silently making your to a nearby river. You crouch down, taking your mask off and splashing some water on your face.


You swiftly turn around and find, Mu making his way towards you.

"What are you doing here?" Asks Mu crouching down beside you.

"Nothing much. Just getting some fresh air, besides I couldn't sleep."

"I see," murmurs Mu, looking up at the stars. You stare at, Mu as he looks up at the night sky. Stealing glances at Mu, is a really bad happened you have and most of the time you get caught, because no matter what you just can't stop looking at him.

And then as always, Mu turns his head and like the usual you get caught staring at him. Most of the time, Mu just gives you a blank stare, but this time he smiles as there's amusement in his eyes.

"By the way. Your not wearing your mask," you immediately cover your face using one of your hand and the other searching for your mask. Your face has never been this red.

He saw my face!

"Your mask is here, Y/n and, since I have already seen your face, you don't need to hide," you uncover your face and turn to look at Mu, who's still smiling at you.

You smile back taking your mask from his hands. "Your really gorgeous, by the way."

That had done it. You promptly place the mask back on your face and got up. You start to make your way back.

"Going back so soon? But you still haven't heard my confession."


"Or should I say proposal?"

His words didn't make any sense to you, so you turn around, "What are you trying to say?"

Mu's smile widens and gets up, making his way towards you, "What I mean is, I love you," Says Mu taking off your mask.

"W-w...I-," you have absolutely no idea how to respond to that. Your not even sure if you heard him right.

Mu chuckles and softly kisses you, making you shiver. "I-I lo-," no matter how hard you try, words can't come out of your mouth.

"I love you too?" Says Mu finishing your sentence. You crack a grin and nod at him.

Mu grins back pulling you into a another kiss.

Author's Note

Good News! Requests are once again open!

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