Day 13. Saturday, Waxing Crescent

Start from the beginning

As they parted ways Hunter kept Garou's words in mind. Maybe a predestined partner seemed more plausible than falling head over heels for someone in under two weeks.

He continued his walk, passing by other dormitories, halls, and offices. The more he walked, the further things seem to be spread apart. He found himself following the stone path that cut through a community garden. A Gazebo stood at the garden's center, occupied by two middle-aged women, engrossed in conversation. Just beyond the Gazebo was the Marconi house. Strangely picturesque, and nestled between the new staff apartments, it stuck out like a sore thumb. A row of golf carts with the school logo on their bumper sat outside the apartments. Coupled with the large garden and gazebo, it was as if Hunter had left the campus altogether, and found a small community just outside the woods.

He walked up to the townhouse. On closer inspection, he saw that the door was fitted with an electronic lock system. An intercom with a keypad and several buttons were positioned to the right of the door. Each of the rooms had their own doorbell, labeled with the last names of its occupants. He pressed the button next to the label 'Lee/Mitra' and waited for a response.

The front door opened and a heavy floral scent washed over him.

To his surprise, it was Serena Song, one of his own. She was decked out in preppy flair again today, from her lint-free white v-neck cashmere sweater, her pink pastel blouse, to her pressed beige skirt, pink pastel socks, and white tennis shoes. Serena's jet black hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. Her eyelids were red and puffy, and the scowl on her face was enough to make him take a few steps back. Unlike with Garou, there was no pull telling him she was superior, just intimidating.

She swiftly moved past him and continued down the garden path.

His gaze went back to the open door. Grayson was standing there, looking more disheveled than usual. His usually gelled hair was damp, a small curl dripping down his forehead. He was dressed in an old t-shirt, flannel pajama bottoms, and socks as if he just got out of bed.

"Come in."He beamed.

Hunter looked back at Serena, who was still marching away.

"Do you know her?" Grayson asked.

Hunter shrugged. "We' the same club."

"Really?" Grayson rubbed the back of his neck. "Which one?"

"Uh.." Crap. "The...Therian society?" It was the first thing that came to mind. He tried to imagine Serena sitting among a bunch of people under the moon, trying to get in touch with her wolf side. "Pfft." He couldn't keep a straight face.

"And she didn't say hi? Hm..." Grayson shrugged. "Well, I guess that's my fault. She's not too happy with me."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "There are times when she's happy?"

"Ha. Yeah." He stood to the side, and Hunter walked in. On the inside, Marconi gave off a homey feel. The walls were bright yellow and featured framed pictures and bulletin boards for school-related activities. There was a short hallway leading to a common area, where several students sat camped out on a set of matching couches in front of a large TV. As they walked he saw the entrance for a small kitchen, a washer, and dryer under the stairs, and a hall closet. He followed Grayson up the carpeted stairs to the third floor. Photos of Redwood's history graced the wall as well as cards and well wishes from former students and faculty.

"Well, this beats the pants off my place. This is more like a boarding house than a dorm."

"Aren't those the same thing?" Grayson asked. 

They walked down a short hallway, passing by three doors, one with a bronze plaque reading 'toilet'. The walls were decorated with blue and white striped wallpaper, the floor was covered in the same cream-colored carpet as the stairs. "Maybe I'm a little biased, but my dorm looks more like a set of hospital rooms.This place literally looks like a house."

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