"Alright just relax. Take a few deep breaths and try to keep the baby in." 

"Papi I am trying!" You screamed as you pushed. 

"What's the matter baby?" He asked. 

"The baby is coming!" You cried. Mateo looked at you. 

"Emme you no cry. I get you towel and water." He said as he ran out. 

"Papi it hurt so bad. Please come home." You begged. 

"I'll try my best. I love you. I'm going into court right now." He said. 

"Okay I love you too Papi." You hung up. 

Nick finally arrived. You were laying on the floor now. You had Mateo by your side wiping your face. He didn't really know what to do, but he knew you needed help. 

"Babe where are you? I brought my sister. She's a midwife." He said as he walked in. 

"Nicolas I am right here on the floor." You cried. 

He came to your side. He saw you were in pain. He looked down. He noticed you were still pushing. 

"Nicolas this hurts so bad." You cried as you pushed once more. 

"I know and I'm sorry. Maria had Zara in the hospital. You should have called an ambulance." 

"Nicolas where would I have put Mateo. He had no where to go. He couldn't have came with me because they wouldn't have let him in." You said as you tried sitting up. 

"Oh yeah I didn't think that far." He said with a smile. He held onto your hand as you cried. You pushed more as well. 


You have birth to a healthy baby girl. She was so beautiful. You and Nick cried. He held you close as you held her. Nick's sister recommended going to the hospital so you both went. Papi as finally here with you. He held her and cried. She was beautiful to him. 

You were filling out some paper work when some surprise visitors came in. It was the squad. Nick told you he invited them to come see his new daughter. You didn't mind. You loved the crew. They brought you balloons and flowers along with some gifts. 

You noticed Papi being very flirtatious with Carisi. You didn't mind but you never noticed it before. 

"So what is this beautiful little girl's name?" Liv asked. 

You smiled. "Rosalina Maria Rafaela Barba-Amaro." You spit out.

"Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. We're so happy for you two." She said handing the baby to Amanda.

You were interrupted again by Nick's other two children. Maria brought them. He was a bit nervous you could tell. 

"Hi daddy!" Zara said. She was excited to see him. 

"Hey princess. Hey Gilberto." He waved to his dad. He seemed tired. 

"Congrats Nick." Maria said before leaving. It was Nick's weekend anyways. 

You were happy to have her back in your arms. She was precious. Everyone but Nick, Carisi, Papi and Nick's kids were here. The other's had to go. You didn't mind. 

"Papi where's Mateo?" 

"Abuela took him for the night." He said. 

"Oh alright." You said as you cuddled her. 

Papi looked at you. He was smiling from ear to ear. 

"Carino, are you coming home tonight or going to Nick's?" 

"I'm coming home. I think anyways." You looked to Nick.

"I mean if you want to baby. I can come with the kids if that's okay." 

"Yeah that's fine." You said as you laid back. 

(A Few Hours Later)

You were at home with the kids and Nick. Papi went out with Carisi. You didn't mind. It was quiet. You had all the kids settled in bed. Now you were just trying to relax. It was hard to when you had the baby crying every three minutes. You were exaggerating but you knew new born's were going to be like this. 

Nick had the kids settled down for now. They were in your room. You didn't mind. You wanted to be out of your room. You needed to be in the openness of the living room. 

"So sweetie since we have Rosalina and the others asleep you wanna watch something?" Nick asked. 

"I'm tired Nick. How bout we cuddle on the couch?" 

"Sure no worries. I'm always up for some cuddles." He said with a smile. 

You got comfy as he grabbed a blanket. You were tired. You knew this adventure would be rough, but you could make it. You always had made it through your hardships. 

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