Chapter 5

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Gratsu Bingo 2019
Prompt: Death

Chapter 5

The door to the apartment had barely closed when Natsu rushed out of the bedroom dressed in one of Gray's old t-shirts and shorts.

"Where were you guys?" he grumbled, examining them intently, looking for any clue to their disappearance. When he sensed no hostility between them, he relaxed. "I woke up, and you were all gone."

"Sorry," Lyon replied, "I couldn't sleep, too nervous about today. They went with me to keep me company."

"Right," Natsu rolled his eyes at the blatant lie, "It's nice to see some things never change, you still suck at lying."

Lyon laughed nervously, "I really do need to start getting ready. I'm going to go take a shower to see if I can wake up some. Can someone make me some coffee, please?"

"I think I can manage that," Zeref offered, "Maybe even some breakfast, depending on what you have on hand."

Zeref set himself to the task of putting some food together, wanting to give Natsu and Gray some time to talk.

"Hey Gray, don't forget Mom is coming over in about an hour."

Gray cursed inwardly, he'd let himself get so caught up in everything that was happening he'd conveniently forgotten he was still expected to attend the wedding. He glanced over at Natsu, wishing he could just ditch it and spend more time with him but even he wasn't that much of an asshole.

He'd never do that to Lyon, his brother had always been supportive of him, and it was his turn to do the same for him. Especially since he'd already shown him how nervous he was.

"I'll be ready," Gray gave his brother a reassuring smile before grabbing Natsu's hand and leading him back into his bedroom, closing the door behind them, wondering if it was too soon to try to kiss him. He settled for pulling him into a hug.

Natsu let him hold him tightly against him without complaining, "You know, I don't remember you being this touchy-feely before."

"Does it bother you?" Gray released him, gazing at Natsu's expression, wondering if he was pushing him away already.

"Not exactly, it's just different," Natsu rubbed his forehead, a nervous gesture Gray remembered well, "It's just I spent two years thinking you hated me."

"If I'm honest, I might have for a day or two, but then I got my head out of my ass," Gray admitted before lowering his head sadly, "Why didn't you ever try to get in touch me?"

He was still a bit upset that Natsu had never replied to any of his messages.

"I lost my phone on the boat. I was really sick during the trip, and it fell overboard at some point," Natsu explained sheepishly, "I haven't had a phone in almost two years. I did think about writing to you once I realized I was going to be gone a lot longer than I'd thought, but we were never really in town or cities."

"I would have gone with you," Gray murmured softly, and he found himself grabbing hold of Natsu's hand. It was getting embarrassing, he couldn't seem to stop himself from touching him, but he felt the need to continually reassure himself that Natsu was really there.

"I know you would have, but I had no idea what I was getting into, and I would have never forgiven myself if I put you in danger."

Natsu smiled at all the unexpected affection. It was unusual for Gray to be so needy, but Natsu knew he'd scared him by disappearing and he didn't mind.

He'd come back for this after all, determined to try to make a go at a relationship. It had torn him up inside to have to deny Gray at that party, but his mind had already been made up, and he'd hoped he could fix things when he returned.

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