Chapter 4

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Gratsu Bingo 2019
Prompt: Age

Chapter 4

Gray's eyes remained closed as he listened intently, trying to figure out what had woken him. He was really thirsty, which wasn't all that surprising considering how much alcohol he'd had last night. He was about to get up when he heard the jingling of keys followed by the sound of the apartment door closing.

That was unexpected. Gray managed to get up without waking Natsu and hurried out to the living room, finding it empty. After checking around his small apartment, he quickly came to the conclusion that both Zeref and Lyon were gone. He didn't like that, not at all. Why would Lyon have left with Zeref? He wasn't the most trusting of people, and if Gray had doubts about Zeref, he was sure Lyon did too.

Gray scrambled back to his room, determined to follow the two men if only to ensure Lyon's safety. He gazed down at the beautiful sight of Natsu sleeping peacefully in his bed, wanting to reassure himself it was real. Grabbing the first set of clothes he found off the floor, he quickly put them on in the dark and after one last look at his bed and a pat to his pockets to make sure he had his keys he hastened out the door, stopping only to ensure the door closed soundlessly before sprinting down the four flights of stairs and out the door.

Zeref and Lyon weren't hard to spot, the sun wasn't quite out yet, and the streets were devoid of the usual clutter of pedestrians. The two men were engrossed in their conversation, making it a simple task for Gray to catch up and follow closely enough to listen.

I didn't use to believe in them either. I'm actually forty-four years old, but I haven't aged a day since I was twenty-nine. I've never told anyone this story before, but maybe it will help you understand why I have to leave.

Gray was dumbfounded, Zeref was planning on leaving Natsu?! He couldn't do that, it would break him all over again! Gray was about to give him a piece of his mind when he heard Zeref's next words, and they were nothing at all like what he'd expected.

Once, we were a perfect happy family. The woman in the picture was my wife, Sona. The child is Natsu, he was three years old in that picture. It's the last one we ever took as a family. They were really all I cared about, my whole world revolved around them.

He knew there was something suspicious about Zeref, but he could never have predicted this. Zeref was Natsu's father?! How was that even possible, and what about Igneel? How did he fit into all this? Gray swallowed his protests and listened with growing disbelief.

But I had other responsibilities, ones that I had been prepared for since my birth. My father was the Emperor of Alvarez, a vast country within the continent of Alakistasia, and I was to take his place when he died. I'd thought I had years before that happened, but my father fell ill, and before I knew it, I was the Emperor.

I had less time to spend with Sona and Natsu as I was forced to embrace my new responsibilities, but I still made sure to schedule time in my day to be with them. I couldn't imagine my life without them. Looking back, that might have appeared a weakness to those who would do me harm.

A neighboring country, Rivera, wanted me to sign a trade agreement that was unfavorable to Alvarez and I refused. My most trusted advisor, Igneel, warned me they might attempt to force the issue, but I didn't listen. I thought the matter ended with my refusal.

I returned from a function to find the palace overrun with intruders. I rushed to my living quarters as my guards reinforced the ones that were already fighting, while a smaller contingent of my personal guard followed me.

I'd never run so fast in my life, and Igneel matched me step for step, both of us cursing the distance between the palace entrance and the living quarters. As we neared, I called out to Sona and Natsu, but all I could hear was Natsu crying out for me. I should have realized at that point. Natsu wasn't a crier, he was tough even back then, and he sounded broken.

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