Chapter 8

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There was something so weird about this town.

I couldn't get over the strange vibes it was giving. Even when I was in school, I noticed a divide between students. I mean, it was almost unnoticeable, until a girl in my history class brought it up. I don't think I had even spoken to her before, until now.

"Hey, Addison." She greeted like we were lifelong friends. Slipping into the free desk next to mine.

Awkwardly smiling as I tried to recall her name whilst pulling out my notebook, "Hey," I replied trying to read the name off her face, "It's Carla, right?"

I had gotten to Mr Emmerson's class early, just so I could get a chair that wasn't at the back of the room. I liked to sit in the middle. Not that it mattered about drawing attention, everyone knew who I was, so there was no point in hiding at the back.

My new girl status would probably stick until the end of the year. Although, Roan commented that twenty years could pass, and I would still be new.

Carla smiled approvingly at me, "Sorry, sometimes I forget you're still new," She chuckled breezily, tucking back an unruly strand of brown hair behind her ear. She was one of the quieter girls, but I had seen her hanging around Jacklyn before, who now avoided me- thank god, "I see you hanging with Eleanor North a lot."

It wasn't a question or even a statement. It was Carla was making a simple comment, but I knew that she wanted me to develop it, "Yeah, she's nice," I smiled tightly, already wondering where this was going, "My uncle introduced me to her cousin."

"Yeah, the weird guy who lives out in-" Carla cut herself off at my raised brows, and offered an apologetic grimace. So, that was what Roan's reputation was; the weirdo living in the woods. It sure did fit, "I'm not surprised. The Hale's and the North's have always been kind of...connected."

My brow crinkled in confusion as I cocked my head, "In what way?" I asked curiously, eager to dig under the skin of Sterling's weird functions.

"Well, the Norths are the oldest bloodline here, but so are the Hales." Carla shrugged like it was common knowledge, and she paused for a second, "Besides, Eleanor and her friend group are all kind of weird, in a way. You know? I'm just surprised you aren't with her all the time."

I didn't know but I did notice. There was something distinct about the people Eleanor and Landon associated themselves with.

Aside from the fact that they were the hottest people in the place. I gave Carla a slight shrug.

"Plus, they're all super athletic," That made Carla pause for a moment before beaming at me, "Hey! I heard that the coach finally tracked you down!"

Hunted would be a better description.

I hadn't even seen him coming when I was exchanging books at my locker when the door suddenly slammed shut.

And there he stood: the infamous Coach Stoker. Grinning at me with delight, which was kind of off-putting, and looking expectant.

"I have been searching these halls for you, Hale," He informed me in a matter of fact manner, and I blinked. He crossed his arms over his chest and nodded with a child-like giddiness, "Oh, yeah. I see someone who will tarnish those bastards down south; I'll see you at practice on Thursday. Don't be late."

That was as far as the exchange between us went because he was distracted by someone behind me. Muttering under his breath, he stormed away with a bellow before breaking in a run after some kid wearing a nose hoop.

"He was...interesting." I finally said, referring to the man who only took three days to track me. I thought I would have been given more time, but Landon and Roan weren't joking at all about him, "He wants me to join the track team- I think. He wasn't really specific."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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