Chapter 6

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"So, what's the deal with this place?" I finally asked to fill the silence between us, and Grayson arched a questioning brow, "Well, that's three North's I've met now. Are there more of you?"

A deep chuckle escaped him, making my heart flutter at the velvety sound, "There are three of them, but I'm not one of them," He explained taking a route that felt longer than the one Landon took this morning, "I'm a Faolan. My father came from a different- bloodline."

It sounded like he was going to say something else before he paused, and he shrugged a little, "The big bad outsider who came here when I was fourteen." He explained with little context and I could only nod, not brave enough to dig yet.

Silence fell over us again, and I wanted to question him on how he managed to adapt and survive here. It's not the weather that I hated about this place, I was used to cold weather because my dad couldn't stand the heat, it was the isolation.

There wasn't even a mall around for miles. What did people do for fun?

"Can I listen to the radio?" I asked breaking the silence, and Grayson looked unimpressed, "What? You don't like music?"

I made a point to look at the elaborate music system and he snorted, "It's just noise," He drawled with a slight smirk playing on his lips, "I want to hear more about the city girl everyone's talking about."

Excitement trickled through me, the girlish kind that made me want to groan in exasperation. But how could I help it? I was in an insanely cool car with a guy who looked more like a sculpture by talent hands than a regular human.

What could I say? I was attracted to him in a way I never had been to anyone else before. For starters, Grayson didn't have that clean-cut look most jocks I went for did.

There was a roguish vibe about him I normally stayed away from, he was the kind of guy that knew he was attractive.

"Smooth." I commented with a mocking nod, and he snorted a little in response, "So, where'd you come from if not Sterling?"

A delicious curve shaped his full mouth, "Why do you want to know?" Another smirk, oh yeah. He definitely knew what kind of effect he had on women, I bet he even enjoyed it.

Dark stubble shadowed his sharp jawline, the strong kind that made my stomach weak. Grayson had one of those chiselled faces, not the handsome ones like Prince Charming; the strong, shadowy kind that showed experience.

"Trying to figure out why my uncle doesn't like you." I drawled meeting that gaze, damn. Those eyes were definitely made of some kind of dark liquid silver, "What did you do to annoy him?"

This time the grin he wore was mesmerising, and I was glad to be sitting down, "Roan?" He laughed with a shake of his head, "Your uncle dislikes just about everyone; you'd think he'd be a people person. He's got a specific kind of dislike towards me though."


"Because he knows me, darling."

A small burst of laughter escaped me, and I couldn't help but wonder what that meant. Grayson watched me in fascination before his gaze moved back to the road, taking his time in removing me from his line of vision.

When we got to Roan's house, I had expected Grayson to just let me out and drive away but instead, he stayed. My brows rose slightly as I turned to him, "I don't think Roan would be pleased to see you." I admitted, gnawing on my lower lip as I stared at the windows.

"Then we're lucky he's not home," Grayson smirked a little, and I winged up a puzzled brow. How the hell did he know? "The truck is gone, darling."

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