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It was December 31st, 2018 everyone was celebrating for new years James and Brodie were at a new year's gig down on the beach in Miami Florida the radio was booming loud.

"Hey man you wanna go do some gaming tonight on ps4 tonight bro," James said to Brodie

"Nah man lets enjoy the party"

the fireworks started to go off and they kept dancing then all of a sudden there was an alarm down in the city like a civil defense warning everybody stopped as they heard it go off just looking down at the city.

they then saw a whole heard of people running towards them 

James grabbed his binoculars out 

"wonder what's wrong with them they have blood dripping from their mouths "

James grabs Brodie and says "run"

they run and hear the screams on the beach "we need to get to our flat and get to safety"

"what's going on," Brodie says 

James and Brodie stop for breath

"Those people that were running towards us were cannibals they were like zombies"(J)

"are you out of your mind dude they were probably coming to join the party"(B)

"No dude they had blood dripping from their mouths didn't you hear them running across the beach they didn't sound like people anymore"(J)

they then heard something in the bushes behind them RA ROAR AHH  it popped out of the bushes and came running towards them


"Run towards the flat dude, run"(J)

they make it to the front door and its locked, James tries to open the door with the keys but the dead were not too far behind Brodie uses his parkour to leap up and over the fence he then opens the gate 

"Dude come on"(B)

James runs through the gate and Brodie closes it behind him as the dead almost make it to the gate 

"We need to get supplies dude and we need to try to survive dude" (J)

they get into the flat and grab what they needed James wraps his wrists in tape and grabs a knife and ax Brodie grabs all the medical supplies they had and also grabbed his sword 

"We need to go get better  weapons and find more people"(J)

"What about Scarlett  " (B)

"we will go get her on the way to get the weapons do we have any maps or anything they might be useful"(J)

"yep over here in the cupboard"(B)

they grab the maps and head out the door on there adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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