Chapter six

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"Okay , tell me what you know." I say

"Well not much but maybe enough to help" Xavier replies.

This is crazy. I mean I saw her with my own two eyes. She's clearly dead. However , I did get a note just after I had seen her body , I just thought she left it there before she died

"I found a total of three in my room , the first two were just basic stuff you know. Like , she misses me and she borrowed my sweatshirt but wasn't planning on returning it. But the last one I found was totally different." He speaks and his expression darkens.

"What did it say?"I ask a bit too fast.
"I'll show it to you I have it with me." He replies and reaches into his pocket to pull out his cell phone. Thinking he probably snapped a picture of the note to show me , I sip my latte while watching him.

Xavier doesn't unlock the phone and scroll through his photos , he pulls the plain black cover off. Low and behold a yellow slip of paper falls out onto the table.
I hesitate , not sure if I should pick it up or wait for him to read it to me.

He inclines his head , eyes glued to the paper. I suppose this is as good as an invitation to read the note.

Reaching for it tentatively , I pick it up and carefully unfold it. It's defiantly one of Kenya's sticky notes , that much is obvious from the sunflowers printed along the bottom of the paper.

My eyes scan over it's content quickly , my brows ceasing as I fail to understand it's meaning.

I had to leave , it wasn't safe for me at home anymore. Just find Lola , she'll help you. I've contacted her too. I wish I could say more but I can't. Just help me please.


I look up to Xavier and find his gaze already locked on my face. Our eyes meet and hold for a moment too long before I look away.
"Well , I'm fucking confused." I say , running a ran through my hair.
"I know. But this proves she isn't dead." He says hopeful

I snap my eyes back up to his face , "No it doesn't , she could have left that there before she ran away and you only just found it. Maybe you just didn't see it before. Like you said the other ones were pretty basic stuff. Why would she switch from that to this plea for help ?" I ask , growing more confused by the second.

"After I found the first one I searched every square inch of my room and trust me , my room is pretty bare since I left for college. There aren't many places for things to be hidden. I found the two notes. Nothing else. Then ,this morning when I woke up I found this one stuck to the lap on my bedside table. I would have seen it if it was there all along but it wasn't. She put it there when I was asleep. Lola , she's alive and she needs us to help her. Please...."

I tune his pleading out as I sit back in my chair. It still is in the realm of possibility that he hadn't noticed the note at first , his mind being preoccupied or whatnot. But maybe Kenya really is alive. Maybe she needs us to help save her from something or someone.But where would she be hiding?Is she close by?Who was she running away from?Maybe...My inner thoughts trail away as I suddenly remember my reason for agreeing to this meeting.

"Hey Xavier. Did Kenya ever mention a secret boyfriend to you?" I ask , hopeful.

He looks at me ,confused for a second , eyebrows pinched together in contemplation. His face draws a blank. Clearly he doesn't know anything helpful.

"Not that I'm aware of. Kenya wouldn't talk to be about anything like that. Why don't you know , you're her best friend aren't you?" He asks.

"Yes I am. But she didn't even tell me intentionally. It just slipped out one day and still she was very vague about the details relating to this boyfriend of hers."

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