Chapter three

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I couldn't stop thinking about that damn post-it note. Obviously ,Kenya had left it there for me to find when she had run away. That was the only possibility , she couldn't have left it recently considering that she was dead.

Dead... That word left a sour taste in my mouth. I tried as best as I could , not to think about it. It had been three days since I had identified the body and I've been unable to sleep or eat since then. I was right , my mind stored the image of her body for moments when I closed my eyes.

Detective Winston kept his word and notified the family. Once that was done and out of the way , the vultures , otherwise known as the media and press ,were all over the place. 

It was not very often that our ' truck stop town ' was faced with such tragedy. So of cause all the creeps came out of the woodwork.

When Kenya had gone missing everyone thought she had run away , because trust me in a town like this , it was very common. However , I know Kenya ,well "knew" her and she wouldn't just run away like that. We had plans , it doesn't add up.


" Lola , please could you pass me my yellow nail polish on the dresser over there ..." she pointed to the white dresser in the corner. "... the light yellow with glitter. "
" Uhhhh...which one ?" I asked
" Babe , the light yellow with the glitter " she replied while popping her gum. "Dude , they are literally all the same shade of yellow. How is it even possible to have this many bottles of yellow nail polish ? Honestly ,Kenny  ..." I looked over my shoulder at Kenya sitting on her bed "... haven't you heard of trying something new  , different ? Like , I don't know blue or pink or purple ?" I asked while grabbing five different bottles of nail polish for her to pick from.
" Now why would I do that ? If it ain't broke don't fix it , thanks "she said as I handed her the bottles.
" All I'm saying is that a little diversity 
wouldn't hurt " I reply as I jumped onto the bed next to her. Kenya chose not to reply but simply roll her eyes at me and pop open a bottle of yellow nail polish and paint her toe nails.

It was a Friday afternoon , after school. We should have been studying for the math test on Monday but we'd chosen rather to chill and watch movies in Kenya's room.

If you walked into her room , unprepared for the first time I promise you , you'd have an instant headache.

It was bright , actually it was like looking directly at the sun. See , her favorite color is yellow so naturally she painted her walls the brightest shade of yellow. Everything else was in lighter shades of yellow , her comforter and pillows are all pastel shaded , same as her blinds and curtains. The furniture in the room was painted white , so as too "break the yellow" , as if!

Otherwise , her room was pretty simple , a double bed against one wall , with a study table opposite it ,to the left one huge window that allowed sunshine to filter into the room and to the left a built in wardrobe and dresser / vanity. A few posters hung up and framed family photos as well as s few of the two of us. It was simple , cute. The only downfall was the damn color.

Luckily , Kenya didn't insist on only wearing yellow. That's the only time she mixed it up , but rest assured. She had at least one yellow item included into her outfit.

I always thought the color complimented her olive complexion. Senior year she added copper blonde highlights to her light brown hair , which she always wore natural , in a mini Afro. That coupled with her jade eyes , complexion and her petite and vivacious build , she was a stunner.

I always felt quite plain compared to Kenya. I mean , she had this whole exotic look going on , especially since she was  mixed race. I , on the other hand have long black hair , pale blue eyes , with an athletic build , due to the fact that I was on the varsity swimming team.

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