The locket (Bucky X Reader)

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Word Count: 2095

Can u guys see the gif? If you can't sorry. But if you can. Isn't he ADORABLE?!?!?

This is taken place after Endgame. And this one is different because it actually doesn't have Steve. He left in this version. But everyone else is here.


You smiled as you looked down the silver locket hanging at your chest. It was old, and the silver wasn't as shiny anymore. It looked worn from the years of being around your neck. It had a gold lining around its worn edge. You had never had the guts to open it though, you've had it since you could remember. Well, that was only a few years, but either way, you've been too much of chicken to open it.

"Hey Y/N I'm home!" You heard your roommate, Sam, yell through the house. He had taken you in when you had been on the streets. You had woken up one day on the street with no recollection of what had happened in the past years of your life.

You smiled, he had helped you get a job, let you live in his home, and made you feel amazing. He was your best friend and had stuck next to you through thick and thin in the past two years. And not to mention he was an Avenger. What you had learned to be 'Earth's Mightiest Heros!' and to be honest it was awesome. He told you everything he could about his missions, and of course what didn't make him upset. You had been told about the 'blip' and who had done it. Its been two years since his friend Steve had left and how now he was stuck with this Bucky guy. Who he still had a grudge on for ripping out his steering wheel. When he told you about the man who had ripped out his steering wheel, you could help but feel your heart pound against your ribcage. The name had sounded so familiar and when you heard it, it sent a warm feeling all throughout your body.

"What are you thinking for dinner?" You asked walking out of your bedroom. You eyed him for a moment, and he smiled.

"Chinese tonight? Not in the mood for cooking." He said kindly setting his keys on the side table.

"Sounds good, I'll get the menus," You smiled.

You two watched some T.V. ate your food and soon enough you were already getting ready for bed. You had a long day tomorrow and work early in the morning. You stepped in your room and looked in the dresser mirror. You couldn't help but stare at the tiny locket hanging at your chest. You slowly take it off and set it down on the dresser leaving it there to be safe as you took a shower.


Sam walked into the living room the next day, you had already left hours before. Sam not knowing that, made his way over to your room and knocked gently on the door. it cracked open slightly, revealing an empty room. He shrugged and began to walk away, not wanting to snoop in your room. But then the small locket caught his eye, he walked over to it slowly and picked it up gently. He debated on to open it or not, but with a few minutes of trying, he decided to.

You had told him that you had no idea where you had gotten it from. You had even told him, one night that he could open it he refused, feeling bad that not even you knew what was in it. Finally, among the two decisions, he decided to send you a random text was the best option.

Sam: Hey do you mind if I open your locket?

You: Uh Ig I don't see why you would want to. But I don't mind.

Sam: Got it thanks

He quickly grabbed the locket and gently opened it, for a few moments it was stuck but then finally with a small click the locket opened.

He smiled at the old worn picture. At first thinking, it was a random man but upon looking at it closer the man he recognized was sitting in the locket.

Avengers X Reader| Oneshots|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat