I hate bugs

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We were in the cafeteria and all I could think about was how nasty it must be to eat that munch food. It looks gross and I

"Why are you staring at my food", Scott asked

"Because it looks very disgusting like your face", I say jokingly. He fakes being hurt putting his hand to his chest.

"That's just rude", he says before turning his head to the vents that were across the room. I heard like scratching coming from the everyone did it was loud. Soon a whole bunch of roaches came out and flooded the floor. OMG that is so disgusting I have a phobia of bug. I started to get dizzy before strong arms picked me up.

Ethan P.O.V.

Once I saw the bugs I new Rina would be freaking out so I rushed over a picked her up. I left the cafeteria and did some breathing exercises with her seeing she was hyperventilating.  

Sorry to have this one so short the next one is going to be longer.

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