Chapter 1:Choosing The Class Rep

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2 days have passed since the training exercise and midoriya has fully recovered from his injuries from his fight with Kacchan.

Soon the periods started for class A1 and Mr. Aizawa came to class,

-Mr. Aizawa:Everyone take your seats,

-Class A1:....

-Mr. Aizawa:Oh everyone has taken their seats.Anyway today i want you to choose a Class Representive and a Vice Class Representive,make sure you chosse one till the period ends.

*Sleeps in his sleeping bag*

-Kirishima:Wait how are we supposed to choose a representive we barely know each other...

-Mineta:I say the sexiest gi....

*Gets slapped by asui*

-Lida: I say we vote to who we see more fit as a representive!

-Tokoyami:That could work...

-Midoriya:Hope they will not vote for me,says in his thoughts.

After the elections are over these are the results:

Izuku Midoriya: 3 Votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 2 Votes

All the rest: 0 Votes

-Lida:Hmm midoriya and yaoyorozu both of them are good at analysing and have the spirit of a true hero they are the most fit for the role!

Rest of Class A1:Yeah!!!

-Mina:Also both of them together are cinda cute

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu:*Turn to each other* *blush* *turn back*

-Mr. Aizawa:Good and know since this is out of the way,Midoriya and Yaoyorozu i want you two to make a list of the students including their quirks,costumes and statistics from the fitness test and the Training exercise with all might,i want it ready by the end of the week,i will provide you the info.That is all class dismised.

-Yaoyorozu:Midoriya would you like to meet somewhere so we can make the list.

-Midoriya:Ye...Yeah about the mall i he...heard there was a good cafe that re...recently.
*He was extreemly nervous because he isn't used to talking with girls specialy very pretty one.*

-Yaoyorozu:Then how about tomorow at 3:00 PM ?

-Midoriya:Sounds G...Goo...Good

Thinks in mind:He is so cute when he talks with girls.

*In the school Cafeteria*

Midoriya:So you guys think im fit to the president role?

Lida:Yes that is why i voted for you Midoriya

Uraraka:I think you will make a great representative Deku!

Midoriya:Tha...Thanks urakaka!

Yaoyorozu:Umm midoriya can i sit here?

Midoriya:Oh Hey Yaoyorozu please come here.


Uraraka:That is quite unusual for your yaoyorozu...

Yaoyorozu:What is unusual..?

Uraraka:Well you usealy hang with Jiro and Mina

Yaoyorozu:Well that is true but...

Lida & Midoriya:But...?

Yaoyorozu:Im interested on hearing why you all want to be heroes,since im the vice representitive i was to know your reasoning.

Lida:Well i want to be a hero like my brother Ingenium!

Uraraka:Well i don't realy have an inspiring goal like lida or midoriya but i mostly want to become a hero for the money so i can support my family.

Yaoyorozu: And you midoriya?

Midoriya:I want to be hero that can save people with a smile on their faces a hero that when he is seen everyone has a glimpse of hope and will know that everything will be fine

Yaoyorozu:Seems we have similar goals midoriya san

Midoriya: I see so we both have the same goal yaoyorozu.
(Thinks:Why is my heart beat so fast..? It's Not like when im shy with other girls...)

Yaoyorozu:(Thinks:He is so cool even tho he is a little reckless)

*The rest plays out normally like it did in the anime but instead of lida calming the students midoriya did it with the help of uraraka and yaoyorozu*

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