"Whoa. Whoa. You look terrible! Why did you come in to court today?"
"I-I'm f-f-fine, Apollo" He sounded much worse then he did that morning. His voice was switching between a quiet volume and a complete whisper.
"Fine!?  Mr Wright, you look like you've been to literal hell and back! You need to take care of yourself!"
".........I s-s-said I'm f-fine"
"Oh my Holy mother my boss is insane"

Phoenix smiled weakly "J-just noticed?"

At that moment, the bailiff walked in. "Mr. Justice, Mr. Wright, Court will begin shortly. Please make your way to the bench."

Apollo looked at the older attorney with concern "Are you sure you'll be OK?"
"....... I-I...."  Phoenix had turned a new shade of green. This wouldn't end well.
"........ I…..."
"Mr. Wright?"
"..... I..."
"I-I have to go, I'm sorry!" Before Apollo could stop him (not that he was going to) Phoenix ran for the bathroom that was nearby. The young attorney was about to go see if he was OK, when the bailiff returned.

"Mr. Justice, you must come to the bench now."
"Um, right.."

In the courtroom, Edgeworth gave a questioning look towards Apollo as if to ask 'Where's Phoenix?'
He responded by making a gesture much like one throwing up (he, Edgeworth and the bailiffs were the only ones in the courtroom at that time). He nodded once as the Judge entered.

He slammed his hammer into the gavel as he announced "Court is now in session for the trial of Mei Crassa."

"The prosecution is ready, your honour."
"The defense is ready, your honour."

The Judge look puzzled as he saw who answered for the defense, "Mr. Justice, am I to understand that you will be leading the defense?" Apollo nodded
"Ah. I was under the impression that Mr. Wright would be here today. It seems I was mistaken."
"Well, you see, he is... Here... But not... Here?"
"I'm not sure I follow."

Edgeworth cut in "What he means is that Mr. Wright is in the Courthouse today, but could not lead the defense due to illness."

The Judge nodded. "Hmm, that is quite a shame. In any case, prosecution, your opening statement please."

[during recess]

Edgeworth entered the defendants lobby to check on Phoenix. He couldn't hide the worry that was written all over his face.

" Is he still in there?"
" I think so, but it's been about an hour and a half... I hope he's alright"

As if he heard them talking, spikey haired lawyer emerged from the men's bathroom, looking much worse than he did before. Edgeworth was the first to speak up.

"My goodness, are you ok?" he walked over to his husband, taking his hands into his own, noticing how they were much paler than before. They were a ghostly white colour, to match with his face.

"I, uh.. Y-yeah.." he answered distantly. He didn't seem to be concentrating. All Phoenix could focus on in that moment was keeping consciousness. Miles picked up on this and lifted his partner bridal-style to carry him over to the sofa. His head was resting on Miles' lap, he looked as comfortable as he was going to get, given the conditions.

"Boss, I hope you get well soon."

That caught the attorney's attention.
"Th-thanks b-but I'm OK, I'm g-gonna help... Defend..." his eyelids were drifting shut, just for a moment, untill Apollo and Edgeworth exclaimed in unison "What!? Don't be crazy!"
Phoenix was confused "w-what do you m-m-mean?"
"Phoenix, listen, you can barely keep your eyes open, there is no way you'll be able to concentrate. You've already thrown up, so its better if you stayed close to the bathrooms, just in case."
"Yeah, boss. I know you want to help and all, and you are a great attorney, but even you can't point out contradictions if you can't think straight. Listen to your husband."
"B-but I-"
"No buts. You can't let yourself get even more sick than you already are."

Phoenix seemed defeted. "F-f-fine..."
"Thank you."
".........." He had fallen asleep. Apollo and Edgeworth would need to return to the courtroom soon, so Miles kissed his husband's forehead, ever so gently as to not disturb him, and layed Phoenix's head down on the sofa, enabling the prosecutor to stand up.

"Awwwwwww you kissed hiiiiiim" Apollo cooed in the most annoying voice he could manage whilst still being relatively quiet.
"S-Shut your trap, Justice...!" replied a blushing Edgeworth.

[after the not guilty verdict]

Miles had just gotten a still sleeping Phoenix into his car when Apollo had already left. Even in slumber, he looked unsettled. The prosecutor sighed and wondered what it was about him being so stubborn.

He was driving at a reasonable speed, as to not make his husband any more nauseous. About a quarter of the way back home, he woke up.

"Wh.... What H-happened?" his voice was no more than a whisper now.
"You fell asleep in the lobby, how are you feeling right now?"
"... I'm -"
"...OK.... I f-feel really dizzy a-and nauseous and... I C-can't f-focus and-" he choked before he could finish, his body overwhelmed by the sudden urge to vomit.
"C-can you - p-pass me t-the - paper b-bag in - the g-glove box... Please..I think I'm g-gonna be s-sick" it was hard enough to form a sentence without gagging, he was clutching his stomach tightly with his eyes shut.

Miles was alerted by the sudden change of tone in Phoenix's voice, so he reached into the glove box- one hand still on the steering wheel - and brought out a paper sick bag that they kept just in case anyone got travel sickness.

He gave the bag to Phoenix, who was all but dripping with a cold sweat. He probably felt quite warm, however. Miles turned on the AC to cool him down, and opened the windows slightly so that the car wouldn't smell too bad. Even if it did, Edgeworth had his car cleaned every Saterday anyway. His husband was shaking violently and looked like he was going to faint at any moment.

Miles pulled over to a nearby convenient store to get some water for him, and to dispose of the now full bag. He thought about buying something for Phoenix to eat since he didn't really have breakfast, but since they were still driving he was likely to be sick again if he ate. Also, he may refuse to eat like he did that morning.

When he got back to the car, the attorney was half asleep, and he looked kind of peaceful. As much as he hated to disturb him, Phoenix needed to drink something soon before he gets a bad headache, or looses consciousness.

"Phoenix? I got you some water, I want you to try and drink some, OK?"
"..... T-tired..."
"I know you are, but you haven't had anything to eat or drink all day."
"... I... D-don't want...-"
"At least just try to drink some. Please?"

Finally, the lawyer opened his eyes and placed them on the bottle. He reached a quivering hand out to hold it. Sip by sip, he drank about the equivalent of a normal mouthful. It was progress. He kept sipping on the water for the rest of the way home, by demand of his husband.

They arrived at their house and parked the car. Edgeworth, once again, lifted Phoenix bridal style and said "Now you can sleep if you want to, but I'll have to wake you up later for medication, OK?"
But the attorney didn't hear him. He had already fallen asleep in the prosecutor's arms, still holding the water bottle.

Miles chuckled to himself, and carried him upstairs for some well needed rest.

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