Meant to be

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There was this boy and his name was Ricky, and he was in a band called Forever in Your Mind. I was just a normal girl who wished that Ricky would choose me to be his girlfriend. I've been a huge fan of Ricky since his X Factor days. I go and tweet him telling him how I wished that we could talk and stuff, and not even a minute later I get a DM from the one and only Ricky. It says that he would love to meet, and that he would be at starbucks around 3 today if I would like to meet up there. I message him back telling him that would work and that I would be. I then logged off twitter and went to get ready. I went to starbucks and ordered my regular which was a french vanilla frappuccino and went and found a booth and sat down. I hear the door open and I look up to see that Ricky was actually here. I just thought that it was some sick joke but it turned out that it wasn't. He noticed me and came over and we started talking, and then from that day on we got together as boyfriend and girlfriend, and then 2 years later we got engaged and married and now we have been happily married for 10 years and have to little kids named Elizabeth and Caleb. I guess it was meant for me and Ricky to be together, and I couldn't be any more thankful for it. 

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