I Hate Him!

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(Naruto's POV)

I fell on my knees.
That hurts! When I remembered that man with red hair,
I felt pain in my entire body. Then everything went black, I probably passed out.

(Hidan's POV)

What? Why did he have to faint right now?
I wanted to say goodbye to him...
I have to leave him here...because I don't want to leave him with Tobi. Soon I'm going on a mission and I don't want him to be alone here. So...

,,Deidara?“ I asked him.

,,What happened to him, hn?" Deidara asked with a puzzled expression.

,,I think he fainted for some reason, and I don't know why if you want to ask. I wanted to ask you something, it's important.“
I said it with a very serious expression.

,,What is it? “ Deidara asked.

,,Will you be with Naruto while I'm on a mission?" I asked.

I know he was on a mission before me and maybe he's tired, but I have to be sure that the person I choose is right for this. Deidara has always been a good friend of mine and I trust him more than anyone else.

,,Of course, Hidan, I'll be with him,"
Deidara said.
I'm glad he'll be with him.

,,Thank you, Deidara."
I said in a happy voice. Deidara seems surprised by my happy voice. But it does not matter.

,,Can I bring him to bed?"
I asked Deidara and he nodded. I took Naruto and transferred him to one of the two beds. I thanked Deidara again and went to my room to prepare for my mission.

We must go and capture the two-tailed Jinchuuriki.
I like my missions. They are always the same, but with other people to kill.

(Naruto's POV)

I opened my eyes only to see that I was not in my room! Where am I?
The stone fell from my heart when I realized
I wasn't in that guy's red hair's room.
When I think of him,
I always have goosebumps.
Maybe he did something to me?
I do not know...
I looked at the room where I was and noticed the man sitting on the chair. He probably slept. Wait? Where is Hidan?
He couldn't leave me like this...
maybe he has a job...
I can't want from him to be with me 24/7...
he has his own life...like me.
So...he probably left me with this guy because he had to go somewhere.
Then I realized that the guy Hidan had left me with was the same as yesterday.
He had those interesting blue eyes.
Wait...his name...I can't forget it...nevermind...
I don't want to wake him up, so I'm staying in bed, silence.
But then I suddenly heard my stomach that he was hungry. I was scared and prayed for God, that he did not woke up.
But unfortunately he woke up.

,,N-Naruto? Are you hungry?”
He asked, not quite up yet.

,,Umm...I don't know..."
I said with uncertainty.

,,I know you're hungry. Stop covering it up.
Since when you lost your memories, you haven't eat much...”
He was right. Yesterday I ate only two cups of ramen with Hidan.

,,Yes...you're right."
I said and smiled.

,,I knew that! What would you like to eat?” He asked.

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