"I love you.. " I said quietly. Was it awkward?

He smiled and kissed me on the forehead "I love you too."

I smiled.

His expression changed. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No... Just go get dressed, meet me in the living room in 10 minutes.

Um okay?

"Okay. Why? What's wrong?"

He got up from the bed and looked at me. "They're coming."

"Who's coming?" I asked sitting up.

"Pan and almost everyone else. We have to be prepared." He said then started to walk off.

I got up quick and grabbed his arm before he could leave. He looked down at me "What's so bad about that?" I asked.

"They are gonna try to take you away Cal." He started put his hands on my cheeks. "And I can't let them do that. I can't loose you again."

I smiled as he kissed me "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as he walked off.

I shut the door and started getting ready. When I was done I went to the living room and saw Austin saying something to himself.


"Thy Power. Now is the time to give me it all. Now is the time to let it free. Now is the time to Kill Pan." I muttered to myself letting all my power fill me.

"What are you doing?" I heard Callie say behind me.

I turned around "Nothing, just getting ready."

She nodded.

I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. "Whatever happens.. Know I love you."

"I love you too Austin. But why are you making this such a big deal?" She asked.

"Just incase something i don't know. Goes wrong." She nodded.

"Now let's go." I closed my eyes and we were transported to a field in the middle of nowhere. Pan and everyone else was there to on the other side of us.


Peter was there. So was Emma,Charming,Rumple,Regina,Snow, and Belle.

They all came for me?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Callie get away from him he's dangerous. He's only tricking you." Peter said.

I snuggled up closer to Austin.

"No your lying."

"Cal I'm not lying. Remember what he did the first time? Remember the pain?"

My mind went back to the past years started to fill my eyes. Austin noticed it.

"Cal, don't listen to him.. That was the past.." He said whipping off the few tears that came out. I nodded.

"You son of a bitch don't touch her!" Emma yelled trying to come at Austin but Austin put out his hand making her fly back.

"You son of a bitch don't touch her!" Emma yelled trying to come at Austin but Austin put out his hand making her fly back

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I gasped and pushed Him away. "What the hell?" I yelled going towards Emma put was stopped.

I couldn't move. I was like frozen in place. But I could still talk.

Austin walked up to me. "Sorry babe. I can't have you ruining this."

Austin froze everyone else but Peter.

Peter stiffened. "Let her go!" He yelled coming at him.

Austin did something and Peter fell to tee ground groaning in pain.

"Peter!" I screamed.

He couldn't move, his power had been token away from him. He was helpless and all I could do is watch.

"All these years Pan. All these years I've been waiting for this moment. I finally have Callie back and you'll be gone." Austin kicked Peter in the stomach.

This was all my fault.

If only I would've listened to Peter.

"Your worthless without your powers." He hit him once again.

"Austin please stop." I screamed tears starting to fill my eyes. He ignored me and kept hitting him multiple times.

After about ten minutes I was about to the point of crying.

Peter was laying there on the ground. Helpless and bloody. Emma and he gang were frozen in place. I didn't know what to do. What could I do?

"Time to say goodbye to your little Princess Pan" Austin said looking down at Peter.

All Peter did was look at me. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't even help him.

"Don't worry" Austin walked over to me touching my face and hair. "I'll take good care of her. She'll be my princess. My girl." I looked at him in disgust staying quiet as he went back over to Peter kicking him in the stomach making more blood come out of Peters mouth.

"Austin Stop Please!" I yelled still unable to move. Tears starting to stream down my face.

Austin looked at me and smiled deviously. He walked back over to me putting his hands on my cheeks.

"Don't worry baby girl. Everything will be okay. We will start a new life together with no one messing it up." He kissed me then went back to Peter.

I could feel my powers starting to come back. I could feel me starting to unfreeze in my position.

"Your worthless Pan. I told you not to get in the way of us. You didn't listen. Say goodbye to your Princess." Austin said to Peter putting his hand up in front of him.

"Austin No!" I jumped out in front of him, then everything went black.

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