First Time

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Third Person POV:

Fitz had left the house with the other boys on a scavenger hunt for food, leaving (Y/N) alone with Matt. Matt ,still slouched on the sofa, offered to turn the TV on for the two to play a game as to pass the time. (Y/N) shook her head kindly denying.

"I wanna go exploring!"

She said giggling at her own childishness. A big bright smile plastered on her face. At this, Matt couldn't help but give out a small chuckle. His own mouth joining (Y/N)'s into a smile.

"Where would you like to explore fi-"

He was cut off realizing (Y/N) was already gone. He could see her small figure rummiging through the kitchen. Thinking nothing of it he glanced back at the TV. Deciding it was time to play some games.

Your POV:

I looked through every cupboard. There was nothing of interest in the kitchen, or so I thought. In one of the lower cupboards I saw a lunch box which held some brownies in them. Licking my lips in delight I went to engulf my chocolate craving. Opening the box quietly I grabbed two and 'threw dem down the hatch'. Feeling the chocolatey goodness begin to melt within my mouth I shut the box and left it on the counter. I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind that I took two. Skipping my way out the kitchen I made my way back to Matt. Feeling a little lightheaded I sat a bit away from him.

My eyes glancing at him. He had a nice slim body, one that would be a perfect pillow to hug. He had beautiful brown locks. His gaze clearly locked on the TV ahead. Squinting my eyes at TV I watched as he played the game. Quickly loosing interest I went up to him. Poking his cheek whilst giving out a small giggle. Giving me a sideways look his attention quickly returned to the TV. Challenge accepted! Looking him up and down once again, I gently placed my hand on his cheek.

Caressing it in soothing manner. I could feel his body begin to stiffen under my touch, I couldn't help but smirk as I was getting to him. My hand moved away from his cheek, and I planted it on his lip. My thumb tracing the outlines of his pink lips. He was clearly bothered by this as I could tell he was slowly losing his concentration at the game at hand. Finally giving up, I saw him presing a button on the controller forcefully, the game on the TV was now a blur with a big PAUSE on it, his head whipped towards me. His eyes darkening.

"What are you trying to accomplish here?"

Matt's POV:

I stared at her waiting for an answer. On closer inspection, this girl seemed weird. She seemed to struggle keeping her body straight up. Her yellow top messed up and creased. Raising my brow at her expecting an answer she sighed.


She slurred at me. O oh. She couldn't have touched the brownies, could she? Noticing my frozen frame she took it upon herself t drag her body onto mine. Trapping me against the couch and herself, straddling me. Her eyes locked onto mine. It was clear she was intoxicated. Her right hand retracted it self from my lips, as I furrowed my brows processing everything that was happening, her hand moving down to my chin, resting there for a good minute and then lowering it self down my neck towards my torso. She had used her index finger as she traced around my stomach, causing goosebumps to rise.

Holding in a moan I couldn't help but lean in, locking lips with her. Although she didn't seem surprised at my sudden attack at her lips, she opened her mouth allowing me a entrance to her wet caverns. My hands tracing down her sides, onto her hips and finally resting on her ass. Giving it a small squeeze she began moaning into the kiss. Angelic noises leaving her mouth an entering mine. She began to sway her hips, grinding onto my crotch, no longer was I able to hold back my noises. Letting out a small growl I could feel her smirking against my lips. Prepping myself to flip us over and take full control of the situation we heard a car being parked. This isn't good.

(Y/N) detached her body from mine, her small frame rushing to the door. Opening hearing it open, all I could hear was a loud "CAMMY YOU'RE BACK!!" Making my way to the door I saw Fitz on the floor a bag of food on the ground next to him, whilst (Y/N) had thrown her entire body onto him. Almost as if she were trying to smother him. His hands snacked across her waist and he lifted them both up. His eyes locked onto mine and I could see his puzzled expression. The others began to pile in completely ignoring the fact that (Y/N) was nestled into Fitz's arms. I kneeled down grabbing the bag of goodies and entered the kitchen where I saw the container of brownies. two clearly missing. Rushing into the living room I spoke in a worried manner.

"(Y/N) has taken two of the brownies!"

Fitz head whipped towards me at a monstrous speed. His eyes blazing in fury.

"She did WHAT!"

"Not so loud man! You're hurting my ears."

She whined at him.

"(Y/N) I think it's time for you to go to bed."

He said to her affectionately. His eyes were full of love and care.

"Let the cunt make her own choices Fitz. She ain't a little kid is she?"

And at that (Y/N) pushed Fitz off of her. Her sudden action causing Cameron to drop her, her body hitting the ground making a loud audible noise. She looked at Mason with teary eyes and soon lost it all. She was a mopping crying mess on the ground. Fear was visible on Mason's face as he stared down at the girl he made cry.

Cameron kneeled down to the ground, placing his hands around (Y/N)'s small body and bringing her close to him and lifting her. He left us all in the living room worried for (Y/N) as she was clearly having a bad high. All because of Mason and his big mouth.

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