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Hey there!

I'm sure you want to know how my life turned from sour into something amazing and surreal? Well, I've got all the juicy details!

It all began a day I never expected but would never forget! I mean, who would? With the dry and dusty wind of harmattan, Lagos traffic which was absolutely horrendous, body odour from the conductor and most importantly, my empty stomach which growled irritatingly each time the conductor came closer whilst collecting our monetary dues as passengers in the vehicle popularly known as "Danfo".

Ugh! I had to refrain myself from upchucking due to the fact that if I made a mess in this vehicle, I would have to spend hours pleading while cleaning up the mess and therefore, miss lectures.

I was already growing frustrated with school but I had to focus. I was just in my final year meaning, I needed to be patient for the "glory" ahead!

Alighting the bus, I had an inkling that something exhilarating was bound to happen. Although I had no idea what it was, I went with the belief that in every cloud, there was always a silver lining!

Treading past the gate and into the premises of my prestigious university, Lagos State University, aka LASU, with an air of confidence and bubbly demeanor, I saw him and then he saw me, and I knew without a doubt that, that day, December third wasn't just any other day of the year!

December third, two thousand and eighteen, was the day I fell in love!

I know you're probably wondering and perhaps ridiculing me right now, but let me tell you this, if you've had a taste of love as sweet as mine, you would definitely understand why I feel like the happiest woman in the world.

However, I'm not gonna stop here, no! I promised to give you the juicy details, didn't I?

Then sit back and relax while I tell you the most amazing way I found love and how much it transformed me!

What better way to tell my story without narrating from the beginning, right? So let's zap back to my life and how it all started...

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